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5 Remedies For Muscle Soreness

Our lives have become so stressful that most of us suffer from muscle soreness quite often. It can be caused by various activities such as excessive exercising, sitting on the computer whole day, hiki…

5 Remedies For Dyspnea

Are you experiencing shortness of breath and have difficulty breathing? If you feel like you are not getting enough air in your lungs, and it makes you gasp for breath, you could be suffering from Dys…

7 Remedies For Phlegm

Phlegm refers to a secretion by the mucus membranes in your respiratory tract and is necessary in order to keep the respiratory passages and the nasal cavity well lubricated. Phlegm moistens your nasa…

6 Natural Cures For Verruca

A verruca is a wart that may develop in the bottom of your foot, or appear around your toes. Also, known as plantar warts, verrucae are caused by a virus known as human papiloma virus (HPV) and are ve…

5 Remedies For Iritis

Iritis is a condition in which the iris in your eye gets inflamed. This could happen due to an eye injury or infection. Some other causes could include diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis…

6 Remedies For Brittle Bones

Brittle bones is a condition that results in weakened bones that can easily break and are likely to get fractured. This happens because of the loss of bone mass, wherein the bones become very soft and…

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