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5 Simple Ways To Make Calendula Cream

Calendula is known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and astringent properties. Traditionally calendula cream is used for skin care. This antiseptic cream helps fight acne, diaper r…

8 Top Cancer Fighting Foods And Drinks

Recent studies suggest that a number of cancers can be avoided by consuming the right type of foods and drinks. Nutrients, especially antioxidants, that help in suppressing the scavenging activities o…

10 Best Memory Boosting Foods

Your diet affects the function of your brain. Studies have found an association between poor cognitive function and nutritional deficiency. Foods that are concentrated sources of nutrients vital for t…

5 Best Ways To Use Green Tea On Face

Green tea is best known for its healthy benefits. However, it can also work wonders for your skin when used topically. Green tea freshens up the face and helps lighten blemishes and dark spots. It is …

6 Best Beauty Uses of Baking Soda

Baking soda is known for its beauty benefits. This inexpensive kitchen ingredient helps in maintaining the normal pH of the skin. This property of baking soda makes it the ideal natural substance for …

15 Health Benefits Of Indian Ginseng

Indian ginseng, known as Ashwagandha in Sanskrit, is a popular medicinal herb used by Ayurvedic physicians for centuries for treating a large number of illnesses. The botanical name of Indian ginseng …

5 Best Ways To Treat Wet Dandruff

Although we usually tend to associate dandruff with dry scalp, dandruff outbreaks also occur on oily scalp, which is commonly known as wet dandruff. Compared with dry dandruff, treating wet dandruff r…

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