5 DIY Cleansing Face Scrubs For Blemished Skin

Using face scrubs for exfoliating the dead skin cells on the skin is one of the important steps in your skin care regimen. The blocked pores on the skin are the reason behind blemishes and hence, gent…

5 Simple Ways To Make Calendula Cream

Calendula is known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and astringent properties. Traditionally calendula cream is used for skin care. This antiseptic cream helps fight acne, diaper r…

10 DIY Refreshing Toners For Oily Skin

How many of you are following the proper skin care regimen i.e  Cleansing, toning and moisturizing ? Cleansing and moisturizing is done not sure of toning though. Toning is a vital step in skin care r…

5 Best Ways To Use Green Tea On Face

Green tea is best known for its healthy benefits. However, it can also work wonders for your skin when used topically. Green tea freshens up the face and helps lighten blemishes and dark spots. It is …

15 Beneficial Air Purifying House Plants

In the present time, every country is suffering with the problem of different types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, noise pollution etc. But among these all types of …

6 Best Beauty Uses of Baking Soda

Baking soda is known for its beauty benefits. This inexpensive kitchen ingredient helps in maintaining the normal pH of the skin. This property of baking soda makes it the ideal natural substance for …

6 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps

You will all definitely second me for saying this that wasps are one of the most irritating species on this earth. It feels like their life purpose is not letting us humans sleep and enjoy peacefully.…

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