Medically, Arthritis is the inflammation that occurs at a particular part of body resulting in swelling and severe pain. Arthritis in hands leads to pain in the fingers and makes it difficult for your reflexes to respond normally. Thus, handling objects may be affected. Plus, a patient may also face difficulty in different movements such as making a fist. Unfortunately, the ailment has taken a toll in adults.
Sudden Arthritis, itchiness, and numbness are the signs of Carpel tunnel syndrome, which usually happen due to repetitive use of fingers on computers, video games, and mobile gadgets. Although critical cases should be immediately reported to the doctors, some natural treatments can help reduce its effects.
Check out the following 5 amazing natural cure ideas to treat Arthritis in hands. These remedies can be easily prepared and implemented at home.
Natural Treatments For Arthritis In Hands
Cold Or Hot Therapy
Pain in the hand’s joints and fingers due to carpal tunnel syndrome or Arthritis can be healed by cold or hot treatment. For hot treatment you should apply the hot water bags over the hands. It stimulates the blood circulation, decrease the stiffness, and loosen up the muscles that heal the Arthritis.
Warm compresses work quite quickly and you will instantly feel the improvement in finger and wrist movements.If cold therapy suits you, better than hot therapy; do it by using a bag filled with crushed ice. It helps to reduce irritation and soreness, but you should keep a thin towel on your skin before applying cold compress, because it prevents frostbite.
Cinnamon Powder With Honey
The mixture of Cinnamon and honey possess sublime healing properties. The antiseptic characteristics, when combine with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of cinnamon, it helps to relax the stiffness caused by carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis.
One, who is suffering from hand arthritis, must have half tablespoon cinnamon with one teaspoon of honey, daily in the morning, on an empty stomach.
Olive Oil Or Castor Oil
Olive oil has a unique compound called “Oleocanthal”, which prevents the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes- COX1 and COX2. This is what makes it a perfect alternative of cooking oil for the patient of hand arthritis. Olive oil with lavender oil is a great composition for massage of hands, as it easily gets rid of inflammation and Arthritis.
Castor oil and its Richinoleic acid have got impressive anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial assets. You can use it for massage to get relief from Arthritis caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, while arthritis patients should also have two tablespoon of boiled castor oil with fresh orange juice, every morning.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt has magnesium in a good quantity. You just need to take warm water, mix some Epsom salt, and simply soak you hands in it for 20-30 minutes, on a daily basis.
It improves the usage of oxygen inside your body, prevent blood clotting, reduce swelling, and provide relief from Arthritis and muscle cramps.
Garlic is one of the most effective herbal ingredients to heal Arthritis in hands. The anti-inflammation property of garlic reduces both the swelling associated with arthritis.
You can eat the raw garlic or have it with your food, regularly. Heat few cloves of garlic with mustard oil, and massage your hand with it, when it attains the normal temperature.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.