Akshay Sharma
19 Articles0 Comments

5 Treatments For Arthritis In Hands

Medically, Arthritis is the inflammation that occurs at a particular part of body resulting in swelling and severe pain. Arthritis in hands leads to pain in the fingers and makes it difficult for your…

7 Treatments For Chapped Lips

Dry and chapped lips not only look hideous, they feel painful too. Chapped lips can occur due to several factors, dryness being the most prominent one. Plus, a couple of habits that need to be avoided…

8 Home Remedies for Lice

No matter how much peculiar you are about your body cleanliness, Lice infection spreads easily and results into unbearable itching and even pain in the scalp. If kept unchecked for long, Lice may affe…

11 Remedies for Bee Stings

Bee stings are the sharp bites of honey bees that are potent enough in penetrating deep into the skin and leave a reddish wound. If left untreated, the wound may result in serious health hazards and m…

7 Fantastic Home Remedies For Beauty

Everybody wants to have a glowing radiant skin. People try number of cosmetic products to get fair complexion and have a flawless skin but all their efforts and spending get dumped in vain. Not all th…

8 Remedies for Wrinkles

Wrinkles are crease in the skin due to which the skin becomes saggy and loose. It is considered a sign of aging that mutilate skin elasticity. It may occurs due to several reasons such as stress, UV r…

Home Remedies for Halitosis

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, occurs when unpleasant air is exhaled from mouth. It is also referred as oral malodor. Most of the people are suffering from bad breath problem but only few ar…

9 Remedies For Acne Scars

Everybody wants to have a glowing skin but only a few people are blessed with it. Most of the people are suffering from skin related issues including acne scars. It not only make your looks ugly but a…

5 Remedies To Control Mood Swings

A mood swing is a common disorder, which means your mood shifts from high to low. It occurs frequently and fluctuates your mood throughout the day that may also affect your daily life. It is caused du…

5 Remedies For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer develops due to several reasons such as smoking and drinking habits. It starts developing as noncancerous polyps and lead towards the canc…

5 Remedies For Tension Headaches

Suffering from severe headache? Mental tension may be a leading cause. It has been proven that pharmaceutical medicines don’t cure migraines as effectively as herbal medicines. Here are some herbal re…

8 Remedies For Cough

Coughing is an action of the body to get rid from the substances that irritate the air passages and create problem while breathing. It is a reflex to clear your throat and airways. It is a symptom, no…

7 Remedies To Clear Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nose passages that occur due to the thick mucus caused by the virus. In some cases, the nose of the person becomes congested due to the swelling in the tissues …

Top 10 Herbal Remedies For Cancer

Cancer, medically known as malignant neoplasm, is caused due to the transformation of genes which lead to an abnormal growth of cells. It can also spread to other body parts from its initial location.…

9 Herbal Remedies For Memory Loss

Ever thought of your lifestyle without strong memory? Even that thought requires a sound mind and the ability to think deep and remember things efficiently. Memory is the most vital functioning of the…

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