Hysteria is a mental condition where a person is unable to control his or her emotions and anxieties. He or she may suffer from emotional outbursts and be unable to control his or her actions. Self injury or self harm may also occur when a person goes into a hysterical fit. While medications such as sedatives provide relief temporarily, it is critical for the person suffering from hysteria to consult a psychiatrist and psychologist for immediate care.
Herbs and dietary guidelines can also ensure that a person recovers from this psychological disorder with ease and efficacy. Exercise is also essential for a person to become in control of their emotions and senses. This article covers some of the best natural cures for hysteria.
Top Natural Cures For Hysteria
Honey is a well known natural cure for hysteria. As one of the causes for hysteria is hormonal changes due to menstruation or child birth, honey is a good cure for problems relating to these. Honey tones the musculature of the uterus and ensures regular bleeding during the periods. Healthy menstruation clears up the hysteria caused due to hormonal changes.
Honey also ensures regulation of the body temperature which is essential for the prevention of hysterical fits. During a bout of hysteria, a person also suffers from heightened blood pressure. Honey destroys triglycerides which create obstructions in the heart valves. This ensures there is healthy supply of blood to the heart and this further contributes towards the lowering of blood pressure. Honey can be taken by itself or added to tea or a hot drink and consumed for best results.
Lettuce is another good natural cure for hysteria. Known botanically as Lactuca Sativa, this garden vegetable cures hysteria and other nervous system related mental disorders such as neurasthenia.
Lettuce prevents spasms and ensures that the person suffering from hysteria becomes calmer. You can extract fresh lettuce juice from its leaves and ensures that the person also receives antioxidants which relax the body. You can also add lettuce leaves to salads and dishes or drink broths made form this vegetable.
Bottle Gourd
Bottle gourd can be ground into a paste and applied on the head of the person suffering from hysteria. The fresh pulp of this vegetable should be boiled to make it softer. It should then be cooled and kneaded into paste like consistency.
Then, gently apply the paste on the head of the person who is experiencing the bout of hysteria. The paste will calm the person by producing a cooling and soothing sensation as it dries. Bottle gourd paste is a safe and non toxic natural remedy for hysteria.
It is important for the person suffering from hysteria to eat plenty of fresh fruits such as mangoes, apples, watermelons, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, papayas, pineapples and coconuts. The antioxidants in these fruits help to make the person feel refreshed, revitalized and energized instead of lapsing into anxiety induced hysteria.
Fruits also replenish lost fluids in the body and ensure that the patient suffering from hysteria is able to overcome symptoms of hysteria such as a dry throat and immense sweating during an attack.
Exercise relaxes the mind through the release of hormones like endorphin and neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Exercise ensures that a person becomes more aware of his or her fitness levels and it also calms down the nervous system.
Exercise also controls blood pressure levels and prevents the body from going into shock states during an attack of hysteria. Exercises which help ward off hysteria include jogging, running, swimming, walking and cycling. Yoga is also an effective natural cure for hysteria because it lowers anxiety levels and ensures effective stress management.
Meditation is a good cure for treating hysteria. Breathing exercises help you to control panic and overcome breathlessness during onset of a hysteria attack. By training your lungs to inhale deeply, you also oxygenate the brain and ensure that the symptoms of panic and anxiety are stemmed at the neural level itself.
Meditation soothes the inner mind and prevents agitation from setting in. Panic and anxiety are common triggers for hysteria and meditation is effective in overcoming both. Meditation also relaxes the body, brings down blood pressure and slows the heart rate preventing the bout of hysteria from building up in intensity and severity. Regular meditation can even prevent the onset of hysteria attacks.
Chamomile is a nervine herb which soothes the nervous system and calms the body. Matricaria Recutita is the botanical term conferred on this herb. Chamomile is a herb which also possesses sedative properties. For these reasons, it is a very good cure for persons who have been diagnosed with hysteria. You can brew Chamomile tea using the dried leaves of this herb. Add honey for added benefits.
Consume 2 to 3 cups of this tea daily for lowering blood pressure and calming the body in the event of a hysteria attack. Chamomile is also an adaptogen which moderates the body’s responses to stressors. As such, it is also effective for managing stress levels. Stress is often a precursor of hysteria so Chamomile can help to avert hysteria bouts as well.
Piper Methysticum is the Latin name of this herb. Kava is a herb native to Fiji. This South Pacific herb is used to make drinks for ceremonial purposes in the islands of this region. Kava is known as an efficacious herbal cure for anxiety and hysteria.
Substances called kavalones present in Kava soothe the inner mind and promote restfulness and serenity. You can add Kava leaves to salads. You can also drink tea brewed from the leaves of this herb for stopping an attack of hysteria. Kava also lowers stress and tension in the body.
Passiflora Incarnata is the botanical name by which this herb is also referred to. Passionflower tea is very effective in preventing mental agitation. It soothes the mind and calms the body. A person suffering from hysteria often experiences sweating, panicking and breathlessness during an attack of hysteria.
Passionflower tea can be consumed during this time to bring the person’s stress levels down. Passionflower increases the levels of a neurotransmitter in the brain called GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) which calms the brain and makes a person feel more peaceful and restful. Drink Passionflower tea regularly to get relief from hysteria.
Rauwolfia Serpentina is the Latin name of this herb. Rauwolfia is a herb which is a natural sedative. It also lowers blood pressure. Agitation and restlessness caused by elevated blood pressure levels during an attack of hysteria can be brought down by taking this herb.
You should take 1 gram of this root in the form of a powder along with milk or hot water when you are experiencing agitation due to hysteria. Alkaloids found in this herb are very useful for lowering blood pressure as well which further relaxes the person.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.