Skin Tags are composed of nerve cells, fibers, lining of the epidermis, ducts and fat cells that form a small hanging portion on the skin. Though painless and harmless, these are dirty to look at especially when they appear on the visible portion of the body.
Skin tags can happen at any part of the body, but are commonly formed in armpits, back of the neck, eye lids, under the breasts, groin and or upper chest. These can be a few or multiple in number and are not related to season or allergy. For a very few skin tags fall off without even being noticed or causing much pain, but for those whose tags get repeatedly rubbed against clothing, while shaving or with jewelry, this might become painful and also bleed and become more severe where medical help can be needed or even surgery might be performed if it is on a large portion.
Besides, there are several non medical ways to get rid of skin tags without much pain and discomfort which can be done at home using simple ingredients from the kitchen and garden. Listed are a few that you can try and find out which suits you the best.
8 Effective Remedies For Skin Tags
Castor Oil And Baking SodaÂ
Castor oil is a solution for most of the skin problems. For tags, you can consume a teaspoon of castor oil each night. Alternatively, for application, mix castor oil with little baking soda to form a paste. Since the paste has a pungent smell, add a few drops of citrus oil to it and apply on the tag.
Use continuously throughout the day and cover with a bandage. Though slow, but it is an effective way to clear skin tags. Follow religiously to get rid of skin tags in 5-7 weeks.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is the basic ingredient in any medication used to cure skin problems, especially moles and tags. It is not necessary to use medications with tea tree oil to cure tag; instead you can use it at home to get rid of this peculiar skin condition.
To apply, tea tree oil, the easiest way is cleansing thoroughly the part affected with skin tag. Then take a cotton tip bud and moist using clean water. Pour 5-6 drops of tea tree oil on this and apply to the affected region in soft circular motions. Use up to thrice a day and see the lesion disappear in less than 12 days.
Lemon JuiceÂ
To use lemon juice on skin tags, simply extract the juice and store in a jar and refrigerate. Apply this to the affected skin and leave. Follow the procedure 5-6 times a day to cure skin tags and have a clear and light skin.
You can also freeze the lemon juice in an ice tray and apply the frozen lemon cubes 4-5 times. Another way of using lemons is by grinding the lemon peels into a paste and applying to the skin tags. It painlessly removes the skin tags.
Banana PeelÂ
Banana peels are popularly used to get rid of skin tags at home and are possibly the safest of all methods. To use, peel a banana skin and place it on the tag. Make sure that the inside of the skin touches the tag on your skin. Let it stay overnight and remove the next morning.
This process, followed each night can help reduce and gradually make tag disappear. You can also cut banana peels into small pieces and secure it with a tape to prevent it from falling off while sleeping. For many, the peels have also prevented the recurring of skin tags.
Fenugreek SeedsÂ
Fenugreek seeds contain detoxification properties that cure various skin problems. It is beneficial for purification of skin. Grind dry fenugreek seeds once or twice, not making its powder and store in an air tight jar. Soak a teaspoonful of these seeds overnight and consume its water early in the morning on empty stomach.
If possible, even chew the soaked seeds. Following the routine can cure skin tags in less than 5 weeks. Alternatively, application of fine paste made of fenugreek seeds and baking soda can also be applied once a day.
Onion And Garlic JuiceÂ
Onion and garlic juice can help reduce tags in less than a fortnight. To use, soak onion in salt water for up to 8 hours. Now grind and extract the juice of this onion. Use this juice at night before bedtime and leave. Alternatively, crush a few cloves of garlic to make a fine paste.
Apply garlic paste on tags and cover with a tape. Change the paste and tape at least thrice a day. Used regularly, you can see the skin drying first and then falling off, healing the skin tag.
Apple Cider VinegarÂ
Apple cider vinegar is easy to use and obtain for treatment of skin tags at home. Simply mix apple cider vinegar with a few drops of water and apply on the affected area directly and leave. This will cause a tingling sensation first that will gradually subside.
However, if the sensation continues for a longer period washes the area thoroughly with clean water. If apple cider vinegar suits, this with dry the tags in a few weeks and shed the dry skin. For most people this remedy has prevented the recurrence of skin tags.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is the most common and effective way to cure most of the skin problems. You can use various gels with aloe vera extracts that are available in the market or create one at home. Pick fresh aloe vera sticks and discard its skin and thorns.
With the gel portion left, use a fork and make a coarse paste from it. Apply on the affected area. Repeat the process at least thrice a day to cure, once being before bedtime without fail. The skin falls off in about 6 weeks from the time you start to apply fresh aloe vera gel. It also leaves the skin smooth and soft.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.