Nails are nothing but simple coverings of fingers and nails that protect them. These are growing parts of the body. Nails are hardened layers that protect the epidermis. These are made up of keratin which is a protein protecting the sensitive tissue. Nail infection is a common problem and can occur to anybody. Causes of nail infection include split and separated nails, injury and ingrown nails etc. Infection not only affects the nail but the surrounding area as well. It can also affect the way nails are grown.
Overall health may also get affected due to nail infection because of the discomfort involved. Nail infection can cause pain to the affected person. Infection of nail may be caused due to attack of virus, bacteria or other microbes. Symptoms of nail infection include swelling, pain, redness and irritation.
8 Top Natural Cures For Nail Infection
Garlic & Grapefruit
Garlic is beneficial for the patients suffering from nail infection. Consumption of one to two cloves of garlic on a daily basis is recommended. It has anti-fungal properties that are helpful for the patients suffering from nail infection.
Grapefruit is useful for the treatment of nail infection. Extract prepared from grapefruit seeds has been found to be beneficial. Consumption of this extract two times per day is recommended. Continue using this remedy for at least two months.
Oil & Vinegar
Oil is helpful in the treatment of infection of nails. Application of oil on the affected nails is beneficial. This natural remedy can be used two times per day. Continue using this remedy for at least two months for better results.
Vinegar is beneficial for the patients suffering from nail infection. Prepare a solution by mixing one part of vinegar and two parts of warm water. Soaking the affected feet for around fifteen to twenty minutes on a daily basis is recommended.
Another remedy is to take apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt. Add both the ingredients in two cups of hot water. Soaking the affected nails for around thirty minutes one or two times on a daily basis is recommended. Rather, consumption of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis is also a good remedy for treating nail infection. This natural cure is helpful for fighting against bacteria and fungi that cause nail infection.
Avoid Socks And Shoes
Patients suffering from nail infection should avoid wearing socks and shoes. Moist shoes and socks lead to the growth of fungus. One should be barefooted as far as possible. One should always wear sandals and should not wear socks for more than one day. Wearing tight shoes is also not good for the patients.
Warm Water & Vicks Vapor Rub
Warm water is useful for the treatment of nail infection. Soak the affected nails in warm water for around twenty to thirty minutes. Afterwards trimming the nails would be beneficial. Remove the fungus matter and clean the affected area well. One should always use a nail scissor or a nail clipper for tearing off the toe nails.
Vicks vapour rub is helpful for the treatment of nail infection. It can be applied over the affected nails and surrounding area for effective use. It is one of the cheap and reliable methods for treating nail infection. One should always keep vick’s vapour rub by our bedside. One should keep the toes dry to avoid any moisture.
Orange Oil & Oregano Oil
Orange oil is helpful for the patients suffering from nail infection. Take five to ten percent of pure orange oil and mix it in fifty percent vinegar and fifty percent alcohol. Shake the solution well before using it. One can use a medicine dropper for application. Application of this liquid solution at the morning and evening time on a daily basis is recommended.
Oregano oil is beneficial for the treatment of nail infection. Take one to two drops of oregano oil and apply it over the affected nails. While applying, make sure the skin is not broken at any part otherwise it would burn. Using this oil for at least two to three times on a daily basis is recommended.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is beneficial in the treatment of nail infection. It can be used in combination with apple cider vinegar. This is an herbal mixture that can be used as a rub. To use this natural cure, first soak the infected nails for around ten to thirty minutes.
Afterwards, one can add two to three tablespoons of baking soda in it. One can also add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water. Rubbing this mixture over the affected nails is recommended. Repeating this remedy two times per day is beneficial.
Listerine & Olive Leaf Extract
Listerine is useful in the treatment of nail infection. Add Listerine in two cups of hot water. Soaking the affected area in this solution for around thirty minutes one time per day is recommended. It acts as an antiseptic and helps in killing the fungus which is responsible in causing nail infection. It is a good remedy for treating infection.
Extract prepared from olive leaf is useful for the patients suffering from nail infection. It acts as a natural antibiotic and is helpful for killing bacteria, fungi and virus that cause infection. It also helps in cleansing and detoxification of the body.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is beneficial for the treatment of nail infection. It can be used in combination with vinegar and water. This natural cure helps in treating the fungus responsible for causing infection. First mix equal quantities of warm water and vinegar. Soaking nail in this solution for around fifteen to thirty minutes is recommended.
Once the water gets cooled, take the nails out of it and dry properly. Once the nails get dried, one can apply vitamin E oil and rub it over the infected nails. This helps in healing the infection. Continue using this remedy two times on a daily basis to get better results.
Another remedy is to use vitamin E in combination with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that are helpful in healing the infected parts of the body. Rubbing the mixture over the affected nails two times per day is recommended.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.