Bee stings are the sharp bites of honey bees that are potent enough in penetrating deep into the skin and leave a reddish wound. If left untreated, the wound may result in serious health hazards and may even cause loss of life.
Thus, it is important to be prepared with some home remedies for instant treating. Check out the following effective home remedies to treat bee stings.
Home Remedies For Bee Stings
Honey is an important remedy that kills the bee sting. Apply honey instantly to wound for relief and quicker healing. Try applying it with gauze that enables light dressing. Honey is rich in antibacterial attributes and the hydrogen peroxide present in it results in speedy healing of wounds. Honey is a topical treatment for bee stings. However, the use should be discontinued If any skin irritation or rash appears.
Baking Soda
Baking soda brings relief effectively against bee stings. Bee stings have formic acid which can be best treated using an alkaline baking soda. Baking soda can be applied directly in several ways. The most common one is to mix it with any skin lotion and apply quickly on the affected area. It bestows immense relief from the wound pain and itching.
Another useful method includes mixing a spoon portion of baking soda with water and form a paste. After it has dissolved completely, apply the temporary paste on the affected area using a wash cloth or a cotton pad. However, Baking soda may not produce best results in case of wasp stings. To treat wasp stings, use Vinegar.
Vinegar, combined with baking soda and meat tenderizer works as an fantastic natural medicine against bee stings. You may add baking soda to make the paste thicker an easier to apply on the affected area. Vinegar works perfectly on wasp stings and soothes the wound by neutralizing the venom. Moreover, it evaporates quickly leaving behind a mint like cooling effect.
Toothpastes are the most easily available home remedies that can help reduce sting pains. They might sting initially but reduce the wound effectively. Apply them simply like any other skin lotion or cream. They contain alkaline properties that help in neutralising the venom present in the sting. Some toothpaste also contains glycerine that dries the venom quickly. However, excessive use may result in additional rash and skin allergies.
Nothing beats the ice when it comes to treat skin wounds. Bee stings are equally vulnerable to soothing effects produced by this natural substance. This cheap remedy numbs the wound and extracts out pain and itchiness effectively. Subsequently, the swelling gets reduced immediately. Directly rub the ice cubes over sting wounds for 20 minutes. Ice quickly cools the burning sensation and numbs the irritation. Moreover, it slows the blood flow to the cold area that reduces swelling. Make sure you take a 15 minute break between applications.
Papayas have enzymes (known as the papain) that break down venom present in the bee sting and thus weakening its effect. All you need is just rub the Papaya directly on the wound. Any type of the fruit would work, be it the Unripe Papaya or the Green Papaya. However, the remedy is strictly discouraged in case of latex allergies.
Meat Tenderizer
Meat Tenderizer shows instant results if applied properly and quickly. It has enzymes that weaken the venom and reduces the inflammation and swelling. All you need is just take a few spoon portions of the powder and add water to form a paste. Smearing the paste on for some time, leave the wound untouched for at least an hour. Meat tenderizer contains a substance called pa pain that breaks the protein present in the bee venom.
Aspirin can be used to cure sting itchiness. Crush the tablet using a spoon or anything else suitable, and put the powder in a plate. Add sufficient water to make a paste and apply over the wound site. The ingredients present help to neutralize the burning sensation.
Bromelain that derived from pineapple is a protein digesting agent that reduces the swelling and pain caused due to sting wounds. Take 500 mg of Bromelain that has at least 2,000 GDU. You may consume it anytime in a day. However, stop consuming it as soon as the swelling comes down.
Onions are very useful in treating the reddish wound. Onions have enzymes that break down inflammation producing compounds. While, the exact reason of its effectiveness is still unknown, Onion has been in use for ages in treating bee sting wounds.
Plantain plant is a common weed whose leaves treat bee sting wounds. The process that follows is equally unique and effective. Pick few leaves and put them in your mouth. Chew them properly until the penetrated leaves dissolve into the saliva. Now, spit the mixture over the wound. The leaves will extract out the poison imparting instant relief.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.