Breast lumps can be cancerous or benign. Benign lumps are usually cyst that occurs due to blocked milk ducts. Breast lumps are round with edges, varying in size, filled with liquid or semi solid matter. It causes discomfort and pain if it becomes large.
There are different causes of breast lumps which include bacterial infection, hormonal changes, and some causes are yet to be identified. The typical symptoms of lumps are discomfort, itching and pain in some cases. Herbal treatment is an effective way of relieving yourself from the lumps. The kinds of herbs that can be used are discussed here:
Herbal Remedies For Breast Lumps
Evening Primrose
This herb is rich in Omega 6 fatty acids and it helps to alleviate some symptoms of breast lumps. It is available in both oil and capsules forms and it helps to reduce breast lumps and inflammation.
You can store it in refrigerator. It should be mixed with food for proper intake and for facilitating absorption. This way it will reduce the side effects which may include headaches and stomach problems.
Chaste Tree Berry
Chaste Tree Berry is sometimes called “the women’s herb” is used for treating lumpy or fibrocystic breasts. The supplements of this plant when taken before the menstrual cycle is very helpful for the treatment of lumps. Chaste tree berries are tinctured or powdered and are also found in tablet form.
It contains flavonoids, alkaloids, deterpenoids, vitexin, casticin. The flavonoids in chaste tree exert an effect similar to the hormone progesterone. This is very helpful in treating fibrocystic breasts. These components of chaste tree berry help to treat the lumps by balancing the female hormone levels.
It is extracted from the plant, Zingiberaceae officinale, popularly known as common or Jamaica Ginger. A mixture of oils like zingerone, shangols and gingerols which are volatile in nature constitutes 3% of the weight of fresh ginger which makes it is very useful for fibrocystic breast and helps to reduce the pain in lumps.
It is advised to message a fibrocystic breast with ginger oil and compress with a warm cloth to get the best results. It helps detoxify of breast tissues. It also reduces breast redness, and pain.
Ginkgo Biloba
It is also known as the Maidenhair Tree and is a native tree in China. It is a living fossil containing rich antioxidants like flavonoids and terpenoids. It is available as capsules, tablets, liquid extracts like tinctures, fluid extracts and glycerites, dried leaf for tea.
Terpenoids enhances and improves blood circulation throughout the body by dilating blood vessels and reducing stickiness of platelets and thus reduces the heaviness and swellings in breasts.
Wild Yam
Wild yams are very useful for reducing and sometimes resolving breast cysts. It contains plant hormone precursors which supplies nutrients to our body which helps endocrine gland to produce a wide array of hormones. Wild Yams help to balance levels of Progesterone and Oestrogen.
It helps to reduce fibroids in breasts and can be taken as a preventive measure against breast cancer. The general dose for an adult is four capsules twice daily. However, dosage should be consulted with a physician before consumption.