Dream of remaining attractive seems impossible for many a woman as they approach middle ages because many problems start coming their way; the one among them is relentless aging and along with it comes the drooping breast problem. Sagging breasts is the major problem for many women throughout the world. This problem was earlier confined to a limited group of aging women, but now even the young girls and unmarried women are gradually entering into its frontiers.
No matter who ever come under its influence, they have to face the challenge. Saggy or drooping breast problem is a big challenge to overcome, particularly for the aging women. However, you don’t have to consider surgery or any other high risk methods for your saggy breast because many natural, non-invasive and safe methods, like the below mentioned home remedies are always available at your disposal.
Useful Home Remedies For Breast Lifts
Keep Your Skin Moist
Keep the skin of your body and especially of your breasts moist and well hydrated as dry skin tends to sag. To ensure this, drink enough water and do not expose your skin to sunlight and after a shower, dry the skin and apply olive oil skin lotion to your breast. Alove vera or olive oil containing skin moisturizers work superbly as skin moisturizers.
Exercise For Breasts
Exercise works wonders for many though it may take some time for the encouraging results to appear. Exercise seems to be the best option for breast lifts, especially when it is performed under the supervision of expert trainers, who with their expertise guide their trainees throughout the entire process ranging from attire, proper bra selection to appropriate weight lifts.
The most usual generic exercises particularly targeting the breast skin and pectoral muscles include arm circles, chest and bench press and pushups. Doing these exercises three to four times a week gives positive results by improving and strengthening your chest muscles. The outcomes of exercise are plenty, but a few are really amazing and give encouraging results like it offers strength to your skin, muscles and tones your breast.
Protect Elasticity Of Your Skin
Like any other tissue, your skin also deserves to be taken care of as it offers you the beauty in addition to supporting your breasts. As long as the elasticity of your skin remains intact your breasts remain stiff or else they start to droop. Collagen and elastin proteins offer elasticity to your skin.
Therefore, to keep your skin healthy along with these proteins, you should drink more water, apply good moisturizers to your breasts skin and consume foods that are good for your skin.
Foods For Your Breasts’ Skin
To remain healthy your skin needs proper sunlight, water and nutritious food, particularly the ones that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and Vitamin A and Omega 3 fatty acids. In a nutshell, make it a habit to include green leafy vegatables and colored fruits and vegatables in your diet.
The preferred foods for skin care include dairy products, sea foods, carrots, almonds, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, and soy proteins. All these foods provide strength to your skin proteins collagen and elastin.
Include Good Fats In Your Diet
Saturated fats increase the fat content of the fatty tissues like the breast tissues in the body and increase their size and thus prompt them to droop. However, to counteract such unhealthy effects, include monounsaturated fatty acids in your diet plan.
Plenty of such good fats are available in olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil and almonds. Monounsaturated fat makes the fatty tissue of your body stronger and compact by its equal distribution throughout your body, especially in your breast.
Select proper bra for your breast, the one with proper support, elasticity and stretchability. Make sure that you wear perfect attire and supportive, well-fitted and sporty bra for your exercise routine; this will help support your breast from sagging during the entire exercise session.
Make it a habit of massaging your breast especially when you feel relaxed and comfortable to do so. Proper massage improves blood circulation, relaxes stress and pressure and helps in proper distribution of prolactin, estrogen and progesterone hormones as all these hormones tones your breast. While massaging your breast when you feel that your breasts’ skin is dry, then apply olive oil and perform the massage.
Use Essential Oils
Majority of the Breast tissue consists of fats and it is devoid of muscles; therefore, the only thing you can do to make it fuller, firm and offer strength to it is by toning the pectoral muscles of the chest and strengthening the skin ligaments of the breasts.
To keep your breasts skin moist, hydrated and active, regular massage with essential oils proves very effective as it improves circulation and reduces the dryness of the skin.