Alopecia Areatadescribes a distinct type of hair loss (mainly targets the scalp) that stems when the body’s immune system erroneously identifies hair follicles as deleterious invaders. The body responds by initiating an inflammatory process that works by destroying the hair follicles.
As seen in other autoimmune disorders, the precise reason as to why the immune system responds in this way is still unclear. It is believed that hereditary factors may play a role in the development of Alopecia areata. Besides loss of hair, some people also complain of itching and/or burning sensation.
Besides the main line of treatment that involves the use of corticosteroids, there are a number of natural cures that may prove to be of great help while trying to overcome this type of alopecia. You must, however, consult your physician before going ahead with any of the below given natural cures for alopecia areata.
Top Natural Cures For Alopecia Areata
Essential Oils
There are a few essential oils which can be put to use for treating the condition of alopecia areata in a natural way. According to the University of Maryland Medical Centre, lavender oil may serve a purpose for people dealing with this hair condition. If the essential oil is rubbed and properly massaged into the affected areas of the scalp each ay for a span of at least six or seven months, positive results can be expected.
Whiles using lavender oil, do not forget to dilute it’s concentration with other oil; for example olive oil or almond oil extract. Researches conducted at the Penn State University observed improved results with the use of other essential oils, such as rosemary, peppermint or sage. Increased rate of hair growth can be achieved as the oil massage accentuates the flow of blood to the areas which are losing hair or bald.
He Show Wu And Hair Growth
A Chinese herb by the name of He Shou Wu (or Fo it) has been in use for not only restoring the original colour of the hair, but also for enhancing growth of hair. Regular use of this herb for a minimum duration of three to six months may help patients suffering from alopecia areata. Some of the common side effects reported with the use of He show Wu include skin rash, numbness in the extremities or liver related problems, like jaundice.
Onion Juice
An extensive study determined the efficacy of juice extracted from onion in treating adults with alopecia areata. According to the Journal Of Dermatology, topical use of onion juice rendered hair growth in approximately eighty sex percent of patients who participated in the clinical trial.
Optimal results were noticed in males rather than females, especially after continued use for over six weeks. Preparing onion juice does not require much time. Simply peel off the outer skin, chop the onion and blend the chunks in a grinder. Store the juice obtained for use. Apply the juice over the bald spots using cotton pellets, at least two times in a day.
Spruce Intake Of Antioxidants
It is a well established fact that antioxidants work exceedingly well in combating inflammatory processes in the body. Also, antioxidants help in promoting normal function of the immune system. One of the best ways of increasing the intake of natural antioxidants without having to buy medicines is by having increased amounts of fruits as well as vegetables on a regular basis.
Green, leafy vegetables, tomatoes and fresh berries are packed with antioxidants. Even grape seed extract stimulates the production of the hair follicle cells due to the presence of proanthocyanidins.
Zinc For Alopecia Areata
Zinc is often used in combination with a soluble vitamin, biotin for treating alopecia areata. This is because this nutrient plays the role of an antioxidant which shields the body from damage caused by free radicals. This is highly valuable for those with compromised immune functioning, such as whole grains, oysters and roasted pumpkin seeds.
Biotin, also known as Vitamin H is an important nutrient that not only prevents, but also treats hair loss in conditions such as alopecia areata. The University of Maryland Medical Centre emphasises on the use of this essential vitamin for growth of healthy hair in both, children and adults. Therefore, you must supplement your diet with items that are exclusively rich in this soluble B- vitamin; for example mushrooms, soybean, beans or cooked eggs. 300 mcg of biotin each day will encourage hair growth.
Hypnosis works as a good alternative mode of treatment for those affected by alopecia areata. The positive role of hypnosis was studied and published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Thus, it works on both, mental and physical aspects of the patient.
According to the study, participants were subjected to hypnotherapy and were also advised to self practice hypnosis exercises two times in a week. The results not only showed a drastic decline in the level of stress and anxiety (which are contributory factors for hair fall), but also showed an appreciable improvement in the growth of hair.
Control Stress
There is a link between development of alopecia areata and increased levels of stress. Therefore, management of stress can certainly aid in retarding and even puts an end to alopecia. There are a number of different ways that can help in alleviating physical and mental stress, such as yoga postures, deep breathing exercises, as well as meditation.
Some of the notable yoga postures that address the problems of hair loss are shoulder stand, cat-cow stretch, diamond pose and downward facing dog. These yoga postures enhance circulation of blood to the scalp region, reduces stress and rejuvenates the body. Always check with your doctor before following any exercise routine.
Healthy Fats
Doctors and dieticians strongly favour the intake of healthy fats that help in curbing inflammation within the body. Food products, which are packed with healthy fats, like omega 3 fatty acids aid in controlling the formation and release of inflammation promoting chemicals. Sardines, flax seed, and salmon are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Sources containing omega 6 fats must also be given consideration.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.