Turmeric is found to have major uses on the human body and brain according to many of the scientific studies. It is also considered as an effective nutritional element in the world. This article discusses the health benefits of turmeric with evidences.
Here Are The 15 Health Benefits Of Turmeric:
Medicinal Properties
Turmeric comprises of bioactive compounds and is used as a spice in the curries. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. It is a potent antioxidant and acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin is present in three percent by weight. The dosage of curcumin exceeds one gram per day in the turmeric extract. The black pepper or piperine helps in more absorption of curcumin by 2000 percent into the blood stream. As curcumin is fat soluble, it can be taken along with the fatty diets.
Turmeric fights against the foreign substances in the body and has a significant role in repairing the damage. Low level and chronic inflammation is normally observed in most of the diseases like metabolic syndrome, cancer, heart disease, degenerative conditions and Alzheimer’s disease. These diseases can be handled appropriately by something that can fight with the chronic inflammation. Curcumin blocks NF-kB molecule, which has a role in simulating the functioning of genes in the nuclei that are responsible for causing inflammation. This molecule plays a major role in chronic diseases.
Enhances The Antioxidants In The Body
Aging and many other diseases are caused due to oxidative damage. This oxidative damage leads to the formation of free radicals, which are unstable molecules. Free-radicals react with protein, fatty acids and DNA. Antioxidants prevent the free-radicals from causing damage to our body. Curcumin is also an antioxidant. The functioning of the oxidative enzymes in the body is enhanced by the use of curcumin.
Neurotrophic Factor Is Enhanced By Curcumin
Neurons will multiply after childhood. They can form new connections in some areas of the brain. They multiply and increase in number. This process is driven by brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), which is the growth hormone that works in the brain. The lower levels of this hormone were always associated with brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and depression. The levels of BDNF are increased by curcumin. So, curcumin can delay or reverse the age associated diseases and brain disorders.
Lowers The Heart Risks
Curcumin is known to improve the function of endothelium, the lining of blood vessels. Heart disease might result from the endothelial dysfunction. If endothelium does not function, then regulation of blood clotting, blood pressure and other factors does not happen. The risk of heart disease is also reduced as curcumin is involved in reducing oxidation and inflammation. Research also proved that curcumin could reduce the risk of heart attack by 65percent.
Prevents Cancer
Research has shown that curcumin reduces the growth of cancer, its development and its spread. Curcumin reduces angiogenesis, metastasis and in the death of the cancerous cells. Curcumin reduces the cancer cell growth and inhibits the tumor growth in test animals. There is evidence to say that curcumin helps in preventing cancers of digestive system like colorectal cancer.
Prevents And Treats Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease leads to dementia. Curcumin was found to cross blood-brain barrier. The amyloid plaques formed from the protein tangling in Alzheimer’s disease are cleared by curcumin. Alzheimer’s disease progression is reversed by curcumin.
Response Of Arthritis
Arthritis involves inflammation in the joints and curcumin is the anti-inflammatory agent that can help with arthritis. It is found to be working better than other anti-inflammatory drugs and helps in curing the arthritis symptoms.
Benefits Depression
Depression thought to be linked with reduced levels of BDNF and diminishing hippocampus. Hippocampus is the brain area involved in learning and memory. Curcumin is known to be enhancing the BDNF levels and alleviate the symptoms of depression.
Battles With Age-related Chronic Diseases
As inflammation and oxidation are thought to be associated with aging, curcumin fights in preventing the chronic diseases and even go beyond in extending the longevity of the individual.
Boosts Immunity
The antioxidant nature of curcumin is found to be 5 to 8 times more effective than vitamin C and E. Low doses of curcumin was found to be increasing antibody responses according to the research done at the department of experimental therapeutics, university of Texas.
Prevents Liver Diseases
According a Mexican research study, curcumin prevents damage to the liver. It performs this action by working as an antioxidant, by blocking NF-kappaB activation and by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. A research study from a clinical pharmacology journal says that curcumin can prevent and reverse cirrhosis probably by reducing the expression of TGF-beta. The data also suggests that curcumin functions as an effective anti-fibrotic and fibrolytic drug in treating chronic hepatic disease.
Prevents Type2 Diabetes
Scientists at research centers have studied that curcumin prevents the development of type2 diabetes by reducing the insulin resistance.
Promotes Weight Loss
The inflammation during obesity is partly due to the macrophages present in the fat tissues. These cells produce cytokines that lead to inflammation in the tissue and organs. They also enhance insulin resistance in liver and muscle. Turmeric is found to help in reducing the activity and number of these cells thereby reducing the obesity consequences.
Soothes The Heartburn And Upset Stomach
A small research study says that turmeric supplements were more effective in reducing the heartburn and symptoms of indigestion. The plant can fight against inflammation.
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