Excessive gas and bloating is caused when food is broken down in the digestive system. When the gas formed is unable to be released from the body through the medium of flatulence and burp, it slowly builds up in your digestive tract and ultimately results in bloating. Excessive formation of gas in the body can be uncomfortable and very embarrassing.
Take A Look At These Effective Ways To Prevent Excessive Gas And Bloating:
1. Avoid Gas Forming Foods
Gas is formed in the body when the undigested carbohydrates in the body get fermented by bacteria residing in the colon. There are certain foods that can lead to gas and flatulence in some people. Some of the gas forming foods that should be avoided include legumes, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cruciferous vegetables, cow milk products, soda and carbonated drinks.
2. Eat Your Meals Slowly
When you tend to eat fast, you also swallow plenty of air that in turn causes gas. Therefore the best way to prevent gas and flatulence is to eat and drink slowly. Chewing your food well before swallowing also reduces the chances of fermentation and gas formation. Furthermore it is beneficial to drink a glass of water half an hour before eating your meals. Liquids in your stomach helps in losing stomach acids that assists in easy break down of foods.
3. Munch In Caraway Seeds
For centuries caraway seeds or crackers have been used to relieve gas and bloating by expelling the trapped gas in the digestive tracts. Whenever you feel gas trapped inside your body and start feeling bloated, eat some caraway seeds right away to get immediate relief. If you suffer from problem of regular bloating, eat a pinch of caraway seeds every morning till the symptoms are completely gone.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics help in digesting food thereby reducing excessive gas and bloating. Some of the dietary supplements for probiotics are yoghurt, pickles, buttermilk, kefir, tempeh, miso and sauerkraut. Probiotics are nothing but live microorganisms that are termed as ‘good bacteria’ that aid digestion and prevent functional bowel disorders. This prevents formation of gas and bloating.
5. Herbs For Avoiding Gas
Herbs belonging to the carminative family have properties that prevent bloating and gas. These herbs aid in digestion causing the stomach to be emptied quickly so that gas can move to small intestine to relieve bloating and discomfort. Chamomile, nutmeg, oregano, dill, cinnamon, basil, parsley and peppermint are some of the common members of the carminative family that provide gas relief.
6. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
It has been proven that sorbitol and other sugar alcohols used in sugar-free foods can aggravate gas. This is owing to the fact that these artificial sweeteners are easily digested by bacteria residing in the gut that ferment and form gas.
7. Avoid Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages tend to introduce unnecessary gas like carbon dioxide into your body system that can further aggravate the condition. Therefore if you have a tendency towards gas and bloating, try and avoid carbonated beverages.
8. Drink Chamomile Tea
Drinking chamomile tea is an herbal remedy to prevent excessive gas and bloating. Chamomile is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help in reducing gas formation due to heartburn and indigestion. Drink chamomile tea in water and you can also add some lemon and honey for flavour. Try and avoid using milk as it can trigger gas formation.
9. Take Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzyme supplements helps in breaking down indigestible components of gas-forming foods like beans, fats and fibers that cause bloating. These supplements are easily available at your drugstore and there are different supplements for each problem. For instance Beano digestive enzyme supplements helps in digesting beans. Digestive enzyme supplements must be taken before your meals so as to aid in digestion.
10. Stay Fit And Healthy
Following a healthy lifestyle with right diet and exercise is crucial for overall well-being. Exercising regularly for half an hour will keep you away from the problems of gas and bloating. Regular exercises help to enhance the motility of your digestive tracts that assist in expelling gas from the body, thereby avoiding any flatulence. These are the simple means that must be followed to avoid excessive gas and flatulence. By incorporating these basic changes in your daily eating habits you will be able to eliminate the problem completely.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.