Strong body odor can be quite an embarrassing problem. It makes a person feel very self-conscious and can affect the personal and professional life to a great extent. So, what causes the body odor in the first place? Poor hygiene is one of the main reasons behind body odor. Excessive sweating, certain foods, systemic deficiencies in our body, digestion problems, are some of the causes behind body odor.
Women tend to have a body odor due to menstruation and stress. Yeast infections such as candida in women can produce a bad body odor. There are many solutions available in the market, but they do not address the basic underlying cause.
This provides only a temporary solution. Natural treatments can be very beneficial in helping you to get rid of the body odor problem, and are aimed at treating the underlying health condition, or reasons, that are causing this bad odor, thus providing you with an affective, permanent solution.
10 Natural treatments For Body Odor
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains high levels of acetic acid as well as phenolics, which are substances that help to kill the odor causing bacteria on your skin. It is also a powerful astringent that helps to dry excess sweat, thus preventing body odor.
Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a bowl of water and dip a soft cloth in it. Use it to wipe your underarms and feet, where maximum odor causing bacteria reside. This vinegar wipe acts as an effective natural treatment for body odor.
Sage is an herb that has an antiperspirant effect. It can be used as an effective natural treatment for body odor that is caused by a condition called hyperhidrosis. This condition causes excessive sweating in the body, which results in a bad body odor.
Sage tea can be prepared by adding a tablespoon of fresh sage leaves, or a teaspoon of dried leaves, to a cup of boiling water. You can also add a teaspoon of chamomile powder to improve the taste. Cover and let it steep for fifteen minutes. Strain, mix a little honey, and have this tea daily for about three to four weeks in order to reduce your body odor.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits bring many health benefits, and are also very effective as a natural treatment for body odor. They contain acids that help to flush out toxins from your body, which reduces body odor that might arise if these toxins linger in your system.
So, take control over that embarrassing body odor by consuming plenty of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and limes every day at breakfast, and after meals as desserts.
Green Or Black Tea
Tea contains substances called tannins which can help keep your feet dry, when you soak them in tea for some time every day. So, if you are embarrassed by the bad odor from your stinky feet, this is a very simple natural treatment that will help prevent sweating on your feet by keeping them moisture-free.
Make some tea that is enough to soak your feet in. After it cools, pour the tea in a tub and soak your feet in it for fifteen minutes. This will keep your feet odor-free throughout the day.
Skip Garlic And Onions
Garlic and onions possess very strong odors which give rise to a smelly breath. The powerful odors from these foods tend to even linger on your hair and clothes for a long time.
If these foods are consumed in excess, they can even make your sweat smell terrible, causing a real bad body odor. So, if you are suffering from this problem, just skip these foods completely, or minimize their use as far as possible.
Use Natural Deodorants
Different types of natural deodorants are available in the market, which are made of natural substances such as, herbs and ammonium alum, and do not contain any harmful chemicals at all.
You can also make your own deodorant at home using coconut oil, shea butter and baking soda. These ingredients are melted and heated together, which produces a natural deodorant that you can use every day in order to prevent body odor.
Green Supplements To Control Body Odor
Green supplements are natural deodorizers that prevent bad body odor and make you smell good throughout the day. You can have wheat grass supplements, or go for chlorophyll supplements to control your body odor.
Fresh wheat grass juice can also be consumed every day. It is very easy to prepare and you can have it regularly as a natural treatment for body odor.
Take Regular Baths
The best way to prevent body odor is to have bath regularly in the morning as well as in the evenings, especially if you suffer from this problem. Use a medicinal soap that will help to kill the bacteria in the armpits, groin and feet.
Wipe your body well with a towel after your bath as bacterial growth is more on damp skin. Apply some talcum powder in the troublesome areas and you will be free of body odor throughout the day.
Consider A Detox
If your body odor is caused by some underlying condition, a detox will help you get rid of it. Detoxifying is one of the most effective natural treatments for body odor. For two days in a week, have only fruits juices throughout the day.
This will help eliminate harmful toxins from your body which might be causing the body odor. A sauna bath taken once or twice a week also helps eliminate toxins as it makes you sweat profusely, thus preventing body odor.
Naturopathy Solutions For Fishy Odor
According to naturopathy, if diet and hygiene are not the factors behind your body odor, it could be due to some underlying health problems such as, a yeast infection or a genetic disorder known as fish odor syndrome. These health conditions can give you a fishy body odor that is terrible.
You can take oregano oil in capsules form for yeast infections. For fish odor syndrome, exclude foods that have trimethylamine, such as eggs, milk, peanuts and liver. Also, B vitamin choline rich foods and supplements, when taken in excess, can give rise to a fishy body odor. So, cut down on these in order to get rid of the body odor.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.