Get rid of those irking acne spots and scars on your skin using honey. Sounds weird? But, yes honey does help in fading your acne scars and all you need to do is include it in your face pack recipes or acne removal packs and dab it on your affected skin. The chemical-based skin care products which you have been or still purchasing for addressing your skin care conditions such as dark scars, pimples, acne etc. may not give you the promising results as raw honey do. Honey can be used as a cleansing agent, scrub, or as a mask on the affected area. It can be even added to your regular diet for internal goodness as well. So, try using it for your healthy and acne-free skin.
Here Are The Top 10 Remedies For Acne Using Honey:
1. Dab With Raw Honey:
Using cotton apply raw honey directly on the affected area. Abandon for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with tepid water. Follow this remedy regularly for best results. The antibiotic compounds in the honey can help address your skin woes within a week upon constant application.

2. Use Cinnamon And Honey For Acne:
Cinnamon is known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds and works powerfully on the skin against the bacteria which is responsible for acne. Using honey along with cinnamon can improve its effectiveness. Add a tsp. of cinnamon powder with two tbsp. of honey. Using cotton apply this mixture on the acne affected area. Let it act for a few minutes. This remedy works great in fading the acne scars as well.

3. Honey And Strawberries For Acne
Strawberries are loaded with potent antioxidants which are helpful in combating the free radical damage which might otherwise damage your skin pores as well as sebaceous glands and lead to acne. A little amount of honey along with mashed strawberry pulp does all the goodness to your skin. Mash a few strawberries along with a 2tbsp of honey. Apply this mask on your skin or dab it directly onto the acne affected skin. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. Follow this remedy twice every week until you notice amazing results.

4. Sugar And Honey Scrub For Acne:
A generous amount of sugar and honey scrub is found to be beneficial in dealing with acne. Mix a tbsp. of brown sugar, sugar and a few drops of honey. Apply this mixture directly on the acne affected areas. Massage for a few minutes before washing off with tepid water. Follow this remedy regularly for amazing results.
5. Nutmeg And Honey For Acne:
Nutmeg is an amazing spice and is beneficial for addressing acne and other such skin conditions as well. Add a pinch of nutmeg powder to a tbsp. of honey. Use this scrub on the affected area. Wash off after a few minutes. Repeat the same regularly until you notice visible results.
6. Use Honey And Turmeric For Acne:
Turmeric is being used since antiquity to address several skin conditions because of its potent medicinal compounds. It acts as a disinfectant and helps kill the bacteria responsible for acne. Using it along with honey helps address your acne issues. Add a tbsp. of honey to a tsp of turmeric. Mix it well and apply this paste on the acne affected area. Wash off after 10-15 minutes using tepid water. Repeat regularly to notice best results.

7. Lemon And Honey For Acne:
A wonderful combination of lemon and honey can help fade the acne scars. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a tsp. of honey to a bowl. Mix both these ingredients. Use it to apply on your affected areas. Also, consuming a glass of warm water by adding a tbsp. of lemon and honey concoction can help cleanse your system internally and gives you a clear and flawless skin.

8. Use Kosher Salt And Honey For Acne:
While honey helps kill the bacteria, kosher salt helps in removing the debris from the skin and reduces inflammation. The small granules of kosher salt help exfoliate the dead cells on the skin gently. Add a tsp. of kosher salt and a few drops of honey to a bowl. Dab the affected area using this mixture with a cotton ball. This remedy works great for your skin. Follow it twice a week for best results.

9. Use Oatmeal And Honey For Acne:
A mixture of oatmeal and honey acts as a gentle exfoliating agent and using it for your skin helps remove the debris, dirt, excess oil etc. which might otherwise lead to acne. Blend a 1/4th cup of oatmeal along with a few drops of honey and some warm water. Apply this mixture on the affected area and wash off with tepid water after it dries off. For best results, follow this remedy regularly.

10. Use Honey Apple Face Pack For Acne:
A face pack prepared by blending half an apple and a few drops of honey works great for your acne-affected skin. Apply this mixture on the skin and wash off after 10-15 minutes. Repeat the same regularly for best results.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.