Wisdom tooth is one of the molars and appears between ages sixteen and twenty-five. Wisdom teeth usually affect other teeth because it grows sideways. However, it might actually give you a lot of pain and swelling when it starts appearing. This happens because sometimes, the wisdom tooth fails to erupt completely out from the gum and this causes the gum at the back of your wisdom tooth to extend or bend over to the biting surface.
A soft tissue flap is formed due to this extension, which is called operculum. Food debris can accumulate under the operculum which causes the formation of bacteria there. This leads to swelling, redness and pain. Although this is natural that everybody has to pass through such pain but this pain is so distressing that everybody wants to get it cured. To give you relief from this pain some home remedies can be used. Some of the best and effective home remedies for wisdom tooth are discussed here:
7 Home Remedies For Wisdom Teeth
Cold CompressÂ
Take some ice cubes in a piece of cloth and use that to compress your wisdom tooth area by keeping the cloth on your cheek. To avoid freezer burn, instead of putting the ice in a thin cloth, you can also use a small towel. Use the ice pack in an alternate interval of twenty minutes.
Keep it on your skin for twenty minutes and then take it off for another twenty minutes. Continue this until the pack comes at room temperature. Continue this daily to get good results.
You can also use salt water for the wisdom teeth problem. This remedy is more useful when your wisdom tooth has already erupted from the gum bed, instead when it is starting to grow. Take a cup of warm water, keeping the temperature at a level which you can use to rinse.
Add a teaspoon of salt to the water. Rinse slowly with this solution twice daily. Salt has its own healing powers and the warm water acts as an anti-bacterial. Together, this home remedy gives you relief from wisdom tooth pain and swelling.
Found easily in your refrigerator, cucumber also helps to relieve you from the pain of wisdom tooth. Cucumber is rich in nutrients like vitamins, particularly vitamin B6, potassium, thiamine and many more. Gently bite on thick cucumber slices.
The nutrients in cucumber get absorbed in your gum tissues causing the swelling and the pain. If you can bite on frozen cucumber pieces, that will be even more effective. You can try this remedy twice a day to get good results.
Clove Oil
Clove is again something you can easily find at your home. You can crush some cloves to get some amount of oil. Clove oil is a natural form of Eugenol which acts has anaesthetic as well as antiseptic properties. This home remedy will provide you instant relief from the pain because of its anaesthetic properties.
You can use the crushed cloves directly in the affected area to apply the oil. Or if you have crushed out sufficient oil, use a cotton pad to apply it. The anaesthetic property of clove oil will instantly relieve you from pain and the antiseptic property will gradually reduce the swelling. Use this two to three times a day to get good results.
Tea Bag
Black tea leaves contain tannins which acts as natural astringents. To get relief from wisdom tooth pain, you can use warm black tea bags. Use one or two warm black tea bags and compress the wisdom tooth area by keeping it directly on the area.
The astringent properties of black tea will reduce the pain in the area giving you relief. You can use the warm tea bags three to four times a day.
Garlic Â
Garlic is anti-inflammatory in nature and when the raw clove of garlic is chewed then it removes all bacteria from the mouth. So the best way to kill the pain that occurs from the birth of wisdom teeth in the mouth is to crush a raw clove of garlic in your mouth and keep it for sometime to get relief from the pain and inflammation in the mouth.
Black PepperÂ
Black pepper is antiseptic in nature and when it is used for the cure of wisdom teeth problems then it gives relief from the pain and swelling in the mouth. So take a few pepper, grind it and mix it with clove oil and rock salt.
Now rub this mixture on the growing tooth. Leaving it in the mouth for sometime will give quick relief from pain in the affected tooth.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.