Lymph nodes or lymph glands are made up of tiny clusters of cells that are mostly responsible for the immunity of the body. So it is very important for the lymph nodes to be healthy and germ free as it is them who look after the entire body. Sometimes the germs which enter the human body can affect the lymph nodes and these nodes swell up and become enlarged.
This change can be rapid that is the swelling can take place rapidly as during an outbreak of fever or flu or the swelling can be gradual as in case of cancer. The rapid swelling is common and can be treated using simple herbal remedies. Few herbs for lymph node infection are:
Top 5 Herbs For Lymph Nodes Infection
Take about 2 parts of wild indigo and add in it one part of Echinacea, poke root and pasque flower. Simmer these in water for few minutes to make an herbal tea. Strain and drink this tea.This tea should be taken internally 3-4 times daily to speed up the healing process. This will also improve the flow of the lymphatic fluid.
Garlic is one of the most effective herbs that can strengthen the immune system. Garlic has antimicrobial properties that can kill the viruses and keep your system germs free. Eating a single clove of raw garlic is very beneficial in treating the symptoms of chest mucus.
Some people do not like the smell of garlic. They can even take garlic pills that are locally available. You can also smash a clove of garlic and keep it under your tongue for 20-30 minutes every day to get relief from the other symptoms.
Burdock Root
This is also a useful herb for lymph node infection. This herb also boosts the immune system and helps to get rid of the infection. Burdock root can be taken by adding them in stir fried dishes or in the form of a decoction.
Take 2-3 tbsp of this herb and add it to boiling water. Simmer for some time. Strain and drink. Burdock root in capsule forms are also available. This will reduce the swelling and inflammation.
This is a very effective herbal remedy to kill the bacteria and viruses and also to boost the immune system. Take few strands of ginger and make a juice out of it. Mix this juice with water and drink every day.
Else, take the juice in a bowl and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Add a teaspoon of honey. Take a few mint leaves and chop them. Put these leaves into the bowl and mix properly. Consume this mixture two to three times on a daily basis.
Turmeric is also a natural antiseptic and can be really beneficial. Turmeric is also a natural anti inflammatory and thus can give you relief from any kind of infection. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to warm milk and drink every day to make your immune system healthy.Drinking fresh aloe vera juice is also helpful and can reduce the swelling of the lymph nodes. These were few of the effective herbs for lymph node infection.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.