When the pressure exerted in circulating blood in veins or arteries increases its’ referred as blood pressure, high blood pressure or arterial blood pressure. High blood pressure can be due to multiple factors like genetic, stress, high sodium diet, over eating of oily food.
The high blood pressure cannot be treated completely but it can be reduced with appropriate life style and herbs. Some of the herbs and their herbal remedies are described below:
Effective Herbs for Blood Pressure
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera is the winner of all herbs in treating much disease. High blood pressure is one of them. It is one of the easily available herbs. Aloe Vera helps in increasing metabolism rate, dilates capillaries or veins and enhances the circulation of blood smoothly. Aloe Vera not only helps in keeping blood pressure normal but also helps in strengthen veins.
Hibiscus Tea
It is prepared form the extracts of hibiscus flower. This is one of the safe and tasty ways of controlling blood pressure. It contains anthocyanin which is useful in appropriate functioning of blood vessels and proper circulation of blood without any extra pressure. Hibiscus also contains antioxidants which is helpful in internal cleansing the body from dangerous free radicals that can leads to various heart diseases.
Cayenne Pepper or Capsicum
This is again one of the best herbs that boost the circulation of blood in veins and arteries. It has excellent abilities to improve the performance of cardiovascular activities of body and hence helpful in lowering blood pressure. Daily intake of Capsicum in the form of salad with one drop of lime juice on it , will help to reduce the high blood pressure.
Apple And Apple Cider Vinegar
This is the wonder herb for keeping the blood pressure normal. These herbs acts very fast and you will find difference in your blood pressure within a week. If you are using apple cider do not take any other medication with it. For best results take one full table spoon 3 to 4 times a day. Having apple daily will also be very helpful.
Garlic is also helpful in reducing blood pressure to 10to 15%, if taken daily. Garlic is available in the form of powder, minced or even paste. You can have any form. Garlic is also helpful in reducing metabolism and hence circulating blood smoothly.
Bran (Rice, Wheat, and Oat)
Bran is the rich source of potassium, which is helpful in reducing blood pressure. Bran in any form like Rice wheat Oat contains fiber which is also helpful in reducing blood pressure. Fiber is very useful element in improving digestion that is helpful in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood and enhances the circulation of the blood.
Avocados contain substances like oleic acid and Folates that are helpful in reducing cholesterol. The avocados are rick source of potassium which is one of the key ingredients in reducing the blood pressure. They also helpful in reducing cholesterol and many heart diseases and hence smooth flow of blood.
It is one of the healthiest Mediterranean diet.Very helpful in reducing blood pressure. Olive is used to reduce cholesterol and many heart diseases and hence smooth flow of blood.
It is a herb containing the compound carvacrol which has been proven to be effective against blood pressure. Oregano is a very rich herb and used in many Italian dishes as well , It also helps in improving the digestive system.Using oregano in daily routine can help to get rid of high blood pressure .
It s a herb specially used in keeping blood pressure under control. It is a very effective herb with fast actions. The herb should be taken taken carefully as per doctors recommendations.
White Gourd Juice
This is one of the very good for health. It has various benefits and very helpful in reducing blood pressure and many heart diseases. The water content in it is 96% .It is very light to the stomach and hence easily digestible. It is very good for lever. You can mix the crushed White gourd and mix it with bran to form dough and make chapattis from it. White gourd in any form is beneficial to human heart.
Kidney Beans
This is one of the tasty food and helpful in reducing blood pressure. It is the rich source of fiber, magnesium, and potassium, all vital substances for keeping blood pressure in control and improving overall heart health. These substances are not only helpful in blood pressure but also helpful in many heart diseases.
Vitamin C
Oranges, Lemon and other citric food contain vitamin C which is helpful in purification of blood and hence easy flow of blood in all veins and arteries.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli are rich in every nutrient like calcium, potassium, Magnesium, iron. These all are important ingredient for reducing blood pressure .Daily consumption of green leafy vegetable in any form helps in reduction of blood pressure. It is also helpful in good digestion.
An American herb very useful in blood pressure because of its antispasmodic abilities. The methanol extract of passionflower leafs is not only has anti-anxiety effect helps in keeping the blood pressure under control. Passionflower is constituted of alkaloids which are monoamine oxidase. This monoamine oxidase is considered to be anti-depressants which ultimately helps in reducing blood pressure.
It is the natural sweeter herb with no side effects. Over intake of sweetener is also one of the main reasons for high blood pressure. Stevia will provide you necessary sugar level in your body. Avoid artificial sugar or any other sweetener as much as you can. Sugar is the main agent for increasing weight leading to high blood pressure and other heart diseases.
A very effective sweet smelling herb for the treatment of high blood pressure. It is available in the form of teas which are good at taste and very effective for high blood pressure. The herb has a clamming effect to clam teh body and reduce stress and tensions. Daily consumption of cardomon tea has been proved to be very helpful in keeping high blood pressure under control.
Keeping blood pressure under control should be in your daily routine.You should have a healthy diet full of milk products like yogurt, butter milk. Your weight should be under control. You should avoid excessive caffeines and alcohol. Just have a healthy routine and above mentioned effective herbs to keep blood pressure under control. Stay Healthy!!!
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.