Bloating is a kind of swelling in the abdomen with the increase in the diameter of the abdomen. The person suffering from bloating feels tightness and fullness in the stomach.
Bloating can occur due to several possible reasons like mineral imbalance in the diet. Herbs can help you to get rid from bloating. Before giving herbs the medical condition of the patient must be diagnosed properly. The herbs that can be given to the patient and the process of giving them is explained below:
8 Herbal Remedies For Bloating
Dandelion is the best herb for the treatment of bloating. The dandelion has very good diuretic properties. It contains potassium. The dandelion can be taken in the form of tincture, capsules and tea.
The chickweed herb can be grown in an area where the soil is moist and cultivated. Chickweed is a green weed plant. It contains potassium, calcium and iron which helps to make it diuretic.
It also fulfills the deficiency of potassium, calcium and iron which is very much required for bloating patients. It can be taken in the form of tablets, capsules, tincture or by making a juice of it.
The bilberry herb is very useful for the treatment of bloating. The leaves and fruit of bilberry can be used to make a tonic. This tonic is good for bloated stomach.The bilberry can be easily obtained from a drug store in the form of liquid extract, tea, juice and jam. The juice of bilberry can be mixed with cranberry juice also.
The herb Buchu originates from South Africa. The herb buchu is very famous herb for the treatment of bloating.Buchu contains volatile oil, sulphur and flavanoids. It acts as a strong diuretic.The buchu herb has a flavor like mint. This herb is available in the form of tincture, tea and tablets. The limitation of this herb is that it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers.
The peppermint tea when served hot will help you to get rid of bloating. The peppermint herb is available in the form of tea bags or you can use raw peppermint leaves to make a tea from it by adding them in water.
The peppermint is good for the digestion and flatulence also.The peppermint is available in the form of candy as well.
Clove herb helps you to get rid of the pain in the stomach due to bloating. Clove can be used in the form of oil, tea or can be chewed in raw form.
Taking a glass of water mixed with some drops of clove oil should be taken every morning to get rid of bloating after meal.
Cinnamon herb is anti-inflammatory herb which is good for the treatment of many diseases. The cinnamon mixed with water and honey should be taken to get rid of bloating.
Bergamot herb can be used in two ways for the treatment of bloating. Bergamot tea can be taken to treat the colic and this will prevent spasms.Secondly, bergamot oil can be rubbed on the stomach to get relief from bloated stomach.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.