HPV is a type of virus which can cause warts on our skin. These viruses can be cancerous as well. Sometimes these warts become so worse, that they start bleeding. HPV can also affect the mucous membrane and can lead to genital problems as well.
By using home remedies it becomes easier to get cure up to certain extent. After using these home remedies, you can cure the warts and also can reduce the marks from the skin.
9 Home Remedies For HPV
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is very helpful in increasing our immunity and also helps in removing unwanted toxins from the body. You can consume vitamin C rich fruits like oranges, lemon, strawberry, bell peppers and many more. They will aid in the healing process.
Green Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are rich in iron, which helps fight the HPV virus. You can consume spinach, fenugreek leaves, mint leaves and other fresh vegetables. Spinach soup is very good for the skin and also helps in healing very soon.
Water is a very essential element of our body. We are required to drink at least two litres of water every day. This will help in a good bowel movement and prevents accumulation of unwanted toxins in the body. Drinking a lot of water also purifies our blood and makes your skin glow.
Garlic has natural healing properties and it is very beneficial for our body. HPV patients are required to consume garlic every day in their food.
You can also take garlic as it is with water, like a capsule. This will help in providing relief very soon.
Ginger is a natural herb that can be consumed as a daily diet. Ginger helps in healing fast during HPV. Ginger can be added in the food or its juice is also very good to drink. Ginger juice helps in purification of the body and also helps in fighting with unwanted toxins in the body.
Almond OilÂ
Almond oil is very good for the skin. It helps provide a glowing and healthy skin. Make a mixture using 70% of almond oil and add 25% of tea tree oil and 5% of jojoba oil.
Mix them well and apply on your warts. This mixture will help in cleaning the warts very soon and also removes the marks from skin. Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties, which is very good for the skin.
Castor oilÂ
Castor oil is easily available at any department store. Apply Castor oil on your warts two times a day. This will help in removing warts, but do not stop its application. Apply it regularly for month and slowly discontinue its use. This will help in removing warts very soon.
Alkaline bathÂ
Add sea salt in your bathing water to get relief from burning sensation. Sea salt will help in a soothing skin and also provides relief from warts.
Some essential oils like lavender oil, almond oil, coconut oil and manuka can also be added to the bathing water. This help in providing a good skin.
Herbs are the natural antiseptic that will help in increasing immunity during HPV. You can start consuming some of the herbs like lavender flower, osha root, astragalus, chamomile, golden-seal and many more. They will help in curing warts naturally.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.