Acid reflux is a common intestinal problem. Many people do not even realize that they are going through acid reflux and term the condition as heart burn. This is because acid reflux causes extreme burning (at times mild pain) in the stomach, chest and the throat.
Like the name suggests, acid reflux is caused when the acid from the stomach rises to enter the esophagus or the food pipe. The acid flows from the stomach and into the food pipe when the valve that is situated at the end of the pipe fails to close properly.
The most common method of treating acid reflux is by drinking plenty of cold water. However, this may fail at times and people resort to chewing antacids that are over-the-counter medications for acid reflux. In fact, some people become addicted to chewing antacids. This is not a good habit since antacids are composed of mainly chemicals that may harm you in the long run. We recommend using herbs for treating acid reflux. The herbs are completely safe, without any side effects and are very effective in successfully treating the condition.
7 Herbs For Treating Acid Reflux
The juice of ginger has enzymes that help with proper digestion of food that reduces the chances of occurrence of acid reflux. Fresh ginger as well as dried ginger is majorly used as a spice in Indian cooking. This not only adds flavor to the dish but also helps in proper digestion of food that can cause painful gas (eg. legumes). Some people also chew on dried and caramelized ginger sticks after a heavy meal. If you do not like the taste of ginger in your food then drink a cup of warm ginger tea to avoid the burning caused by acid reflux.
Put a stick of ginger in 200ml of boiling water and steep the ginger in the water for 7-10 minutes. Strain the water and drink it warm. Do not add sugar or milk to the tea as it may increase the heartburn. Add half a teaspoon of honey if required. Sip the tea while having your meals.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice is a very effective solution for many problems related to the digestive system. Drinking a glass of aloe vera juice first thing in the morning is known to prevent incidents of acid reflux. The enzymes of aloe form a protective coating in the inside of the intestinal tract. Wash the leaf of the aloe vera under running water. Peel the outside green skin and collect the resulting gel-like substance in the jar of your electric mixer.
Pour a little bit of cold water in the mixer and pulse for 30-45 seconds. Pour the juice in a glass and add half a teaspoon of honey for flavor. Drink the juice on empty stomach. Herbal preparations of aloe vera juices are available commercially. Select the brand that offers you aloe juice without sugar and other added preservatives.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are highly effective in treating mild cases of acid reflux. Simply chewing on the seeds is enough to start feeling better again. The burning sensation in the chest also passes away soon. Some people even add fennel seeds to their food for flavor and aroma but mostly for neutralizing the acids in the food that may cause harm to the digestive system.
Drinking fennel tea on empty stomach is also a good way of avoiding incidents of acid reflux. Prepare fennel tea by boiling 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds in 200ml of water for 15-20 minutes. Strain the water and throw away the boiled seeds. Drink this herbal concoction while it is still warm. Fennel tea helps improve digestion as well.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an herbal concoction that is mainly used in cooking and baking. However, this vinegar is also popularly used for treating various ailments in herbal medicine. The herb is successfully used for curing acid reflux as well. Drinking a cold solution of apple cider vinegar is known to provide relief from the burning in the chest and stomach caused due to the upward movement of the acids present in the stomach.
Prepare the solution by mixing 30ml of apple cider vinegar with 375ml of cold water. Drink this solution in place of plain water if you frequently suffer from acid reflux. Also, drink the solution after a particularly heavy meal if you wish to avoid the condition later.
Lavender Tea
The aroma of lavender is enough to treat most ailments. However, to treat acid reflux, the herb should be consumed in the form of tea. Lavender tea bags are available in all herbal stores. Prepare the tea using these bags. You do not need to add any flavoring to the tea. You can drink lavender tea warm or cold. Drinking 3-4 cups of the tea in a day will prevent incidents of acid reflux.
Raw Papaya
Raw papaya releases enzymes into the body that act on the acids present in the stomach and effectively neutralize them. Hence, if the acid does travel up the food pipe it will have no effect. Therefore, eating 2-3 slices of raw papaya first thing in the morning is highly recommended by many ayurvedic doctors. If you wish to avoid eating raw papaya then you can consume it in tablet form. Papaya tablets can be bought from any ayurvedic store and these are very effective in preventing acid reflux.
Aniseed belongs to the same family as the fennel seeds. However, aniseeds can be difficult chewed upon because of their slightly bitter taste. Instead you can use this herb extensively in your cooking. You can even prepare herbal tea using aniseed and treat acid reflux. Like fennel seeds, aniseeds too neutralize the acid content in the stomach thereby reducing the occurrence of acid reflux.
Add a teaspoon of anideeds in very hot water and steep them for 20-25 minutes. Strain the water and let it cool. You can even put it in the freezer to cool it down slightly. Drink this herbal concoction warm or cold. You may add two mint leave to the boiling water for flavoring the tea.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.