In the present time, every country is suffering with the problem of different types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, noise pollution etc. But among these all types of pollution, the air pollution is the severe one. Governments of all countries and people of those countries themselves are doing a lot of efforts to control it. The best effort for controlling the air pollution is to cultivate and grow plants in your vicinity and the whole city. Specially, air purifying house plants are recommended for cultivation. Here, we will discuss about the plants which purify the air of the atmosphere.
List Of Some Beneficial Air Purifying House Plants:
1. Areca Palm Tree:
The Areca has the ability to perform two functions at a time one is to maintain the office or home moist throughout dry periods and the second is to continually remove chemical toxins from the air. In the winter season, it is so effective to put moisture back in the air that electric humidifiers can be switched off.
2. Lady Palm:
This house plant (Scientifically known as Rhapis excelsa) is an adaptable house plant which can be stored in dry or moist parts anywhere in the world i.e. between 20-100° Fahrenheit. It is resistant to the majority of the plant insects.
3. Bamboo Palm:
The bamboo palm is said to be a powerful plant at removing formaldehyde from the air. It is a perfect air purifying house plant which keeps the room air clean. This house plant grows best in a moist place but not in a wet soil and in the direct sunlight.

4. Boston Fern:
The Boston fern is the most effective plant in the removal of Formaldehyde. It removes significantly more per hour than the rest of plants. The Boston fern is also able to remove heavy metals, such as mercury and arsenic from the soil.
5. Rubber Plant:
This rubber house plant performs multitasking as it eliminates bio effluents, provides moisture, takes away volatile organic compounds as well as suppresses air based microorganisms as soon as it is put into a room. With the passage of time, this rubber plant starts eliminating more toxic compounds present in the air. Bacteria within the rubber plants break up the toxins and also eat them.
This increased number of bacteria assists the rubber house plant in becoming progressively more effective at extracting further toxic compounds from the air. This phenomenon emits clean air in to the environment.
6. Janet Craig – Dracaena:
These are especially effective in newly carpeted or newly furnished rooms where formaldehyde levels are very high. There are some tips to keep this plant healthy. This plant requires vibrant light but not direct sunlight. Also it requires regular watering through early spring to the winter season. The plant needs its soil to dry out in between watering.
7. English Ivy:
English ivy (Scientifically known as Hedera helix) is the solution for those geographical areas whose air got stagnant and dried out. This is a type of effervescent house plant and it is a solution for allergic reactions. People who are suffering with allergies, asthma, or even the desire to inhale clean and more fresh air should grow this plant in their homes.
8. Date Palm Tree:
This Date palm house plant (Scientifically known as Phoenix roebelinii) is an extremely efficient and wonderful method to both design the area and reduce the content level of volatile organic compounds floating all over in the air. The Date house plant is very effective at getting rid of formaldehyde thus it performs great in combination with other purifier plants.
9. Ficus Alii:
This ficus alii (Scientifically known as Ficus macleilandii) remains as an excellent option to any office or home wherever clear air is required or is missing. Although, this plant is very difficult to look after, so hand protection should be used while dealing with the house plant. Hand protection is suggested to those persons who have latex allergic reactions.
10. Peace Lilly:
The Peace Lily (Scientifically known as known as Spathiphyllum sp.) is a perfect air purifier plant for those who don’t have green fingers. Peace Lilies are often found in malls because they are so easy to grow.
11. Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera is proven to be a more effective plant at the elimination of formaldehyde at lesser concentrations in comparision to Philodendrons. Aloe vera is also likewise famous for its therapeutic qualities and is known to be a healing plant. The Aloe house plant probably has purification properties. Therefore it is a most recommended air purifying house plant.
12. Spider Plants:
The spider plant removes carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide from air. In a room with many spider plants, the amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide dropped near to zero after only 24 hours.
13. Chrysanthemum:
This is the most attractive house plant which is said to be very effective in removing the benzene which has been known to one of the big cause of cancer. Many tobacco products contain very high levels of benzene so these plants should be kept in a smoking zone of the household for reducing the effect of benzene. However, no house plant can ever remove the effects of tobacco smoke completely. But a person should be careful with Chrysanthemum as it is poisonous when ingested or with prolonged skin exposure.
14. Heart Leaf Philodendron:
If a person wants to eliminate formaldehyde from the surrounding air, he should plant Philodendron house plant which is said to be one of the best house plant for elimination of formaldehyde.
15. Snake Plants or Mother of Law Tongue:
These Snake house plants grow everywhere including places with unfavorable conditions (like extreme hot weather) where other plants may decline and perish. They can be grown easily in bathrooms and darker areas where light is very low or totally absent. Make sure to maintain your house plants in a good condition and make sure you have enough of them.
The above are the beneficial air purifying house plants which are easy to grow and are helpful in cleaning the air of the surroundings.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.