Aviophobia is a type of phobic disorder in which a person displays an intense fear of flying. Such a person is unable to relax on an aeroplane and he or she feels afraid of flying on planes. Sweating palms, dry throat, difficulty breathing and psychological agitation during an aeroplane ride are just some of the symptoms of aviophobia. Herbs such as Valerian, Skullcap, Kava, Passionflower and Chamomile are very useful natural cures for aviophobia.
Another good natural cure is the observance of certain dietary precautions. Finally, there are several relaxation and mind training techniques you can use to overcome aviophobia. In this article, some of the most effective natural cures for aviophobia are discussed. Consult your therapist before opting for any of these natural cures.
Natural Cures To Aviophobia
Aromatherapy is one of the most well known natural cures for aviophobia. Certain fragrances relax the body automatically and therefore aromatherapy can be a very good way to calm yourself down at the start of a flight. You can take a steam inhalation before boarding the plane.
You can also carry drops of soothing and aromatic oil in a handkerchief and sniff this at regular intervals during the flight to allay your fears. Some of the best oils to use for overcoming aviophobia are Lavender, Jasmine, Juniper, Sweet Melissa and Clary Sage. Aromatherapy is best when used in conjunction with relaxation techniques as well.
By pressing the points on the fingers and feet as well as neck and shoulders of the person who has aviophobia, you can help them to overcome the stress and panic associated with flying. Acupressure is a technique where the pressure can be applied on different parts of the body to ease the tensions and disturbed emotions associated with flying.
Acupressure improves the circulation of the body and prevents the nervousness and anxiety from rising. Physiological reactions to stress such as sweating and panicked breathing can also be alleviated through the use of acupressure. This Chinese system of healing is a good natural cure for aviophobia.
Good Nutrition
Another important natural cure for aviophobia is to make sure you eat a healthy and well balanced meal before embarking on a flight. Low blood sugar levels caused due to inadequate nutrition can make you dizzy and faint when you feel the anxiety regarding flying.
Moreover, you can also ensure that you consume a fiber rich meal with plenty of citric fruits and fresh, green vegetables that enhance your energy levels and help you to cope with the panic you are experiencing. Vitamin B complex is very good for strengthening the nerves. Make sure you take enough vitamins and minerals so that your body feels refreshed and you feel calm and soothed during the flight.
You can also suck on a piece of lemon or sip lime juice. Lime contains vitamin C which is great for overcoming nervous prostration at the thought of flying. The feelings of nausea and dizziness that arise when you are suffering from aviophobia and are forced to fly can be dispelled by using lemon.
Lemon can be cut into a slice and salt and pepper can be added to this. You can then place the lemon in your mouth. The freshness and aromatic tang of the lemon will help you to be able to overcome the feeling of passing out or vomiting which you may experience during a bout of aviophobia.
Relaxation Techniques
You can also try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation during the flight in order to overcome anxiety. Deep breathing where you inhale, hold your breath for a few counts and then exhale, helps you to be able to regulate your breathing patterns and prevent you from going into shock and panic.
Meditation will help you to be able to visualize positive things such as flowers, healing memories or beautiful scenic nature which will calm your inner mind and fill you with peace and tranquility. You can also use music through earphones to focus your mind while meditating. This will aid you in becoming less agitated during the flight. Muscle relaxation will ease the constriction in your neck and shoulders and ease your mind as well, making it easier to overcome aviophobia.
Matricaria Recutita is a botanical name of this herb. It is very effective in soothing the mind and lifting a person out of tense and anxious mood states characteristic of persons who suffer from aviophobia. Chamomile is a nervine herbal remedy which brings the mind into a pleasant and relaxed state. It also aids in relaxing tense muscles in the body.
This herb is also a natural sedative. You can take Chamomile tea to overcome the fear of flying. Brew this tea using dried leaves of this herb and consume 1 to 2 cups of this before the flight in order to remain calm and in control during the journey. Chamomile is also available in extract and tincture form. Avoid Chamomile if you are pregnant, nursing or allergic to Rag Weed.
Valerian is a very popular herbal remedy for curing phobias. This is because this herb possesses natural relaxant properties. It is also a sedative. In fact, Valerian root has been found to be as effective as anti-anxiety medication Valium in alleviating fear and panic.
Valerian also induces a feeling of relaxation in the person and promotes sound, restful sleep. You can brew tea using chopped Valerian root and consume this for getting relief from feelings of worry and fear while flying. You can also take this herb in extract, supplement or capsule form for good results.
Mind Training
You can also use mind training techniques such as cognitive behavioral methods whereby you inculcate positive thinking patterns and a relaxed body posture as the flight starts. This will help you to prevent your mind from developing fear because you will learn to train yourself to become calm in the face of the feared situation.
Mind training can be conducted by trained therapists or motivational speakers. You can also read several self help books to gain varied perspectives on how to tackle aviophobia. Use mind training techniques to focus your mind on pleasant thoughts instead of succumbing to fear and panic during the flight.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.