Fever blisters or cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus. It is really amazing how such small thing like fever blister may result due to many reasons like weak immune system, stress, hidden disease, hormonal changes or unhealthy lifestyle.
Whatever may be the reason for their sudden appearance, they usually come with a warning encompassing nagging discomfort, itching sensation, pain, tingling or unceasing blisters. Therefore, you should never wait until it becomes too late for you to intervene, so start immediately by following these simple, yet promising and effective home remedies as the very first systematic measure to eradicate them.
7 Home Remedies For Fever Blisters
Personal Hygiene
Fever blisters sometimes ooze and the crust surrounding them make you feel uncomfortable and a typical fever blister takes around three to four weeks to diminish.
However, you can fasten their retrenchment if you immediately start washing them with a powerful antiseptic soap and water as soon as you notice them because frequent antiseptic treatment curtails their growth and prevent them from spreading to other body parts.
Stop The Blister From Spreading
Fever blisters are highly contagious and demands utmost care. Therefore, you must ensure proper sanitary practices like cleaning and drying them thoroughly twice daily and should not prick, rupture or touch them frequently.
And, never try to squeeze out any fluid from them, as this may come in contact with other body parts and ease their spreading.
Dry Out The Blisters
Dry the blisters out at its place by applying petroleum jelly or lip balm containing sunscreen with a sterile cotton swab and discard it after single use.
You can also use witch Hazel or alcohol to dry out the blisters, but while applying both, you must ensure proper sanitization and care and discard the swabs after single use.
Adopt Comfort MethodsÂ
Use warm or cold compresses to calm down your cold sores as these methods reduce pain and swellings from the sores. Use a cool compress of wet clean cloth and apply it above and around the skin of your blisters by applying gentle pressure to soothe.
Similarly, use warm compress alternatively and apply it in a similar fashion to the blisters to reduce pain and swelling.
Avoid Arginine-Rich Food
Herpes Simplex Virus flourishes well in the presence of Arginine and its lifespan enhances if it gets continuous supply of Arginine from food. The food sources that are rich in arginine include peas, cereals, grains, cashew nuts, peanuts, chocolate and beer.
Therefore, avoid consuming these food items to deprive the virus of the nutrients it requires to grow and multiply and thus to pay the way for its eradication from your body.
Apply A Topical Cream
Topical over-the-counter antiviral cream containing the active ingredients like penciclover, acyclovir should be applied on the blisters after every three hours to reduce the crust, swelling and pain and ultimately to prevent their growth.
Enhance Nutritional Fruits IntakeÂ
To help enhance the immunity of your body and well-equip it with the ability to fight dangerous viral infections, where little can be done to eradicate them completely with mere medications, it is mandatory for you to enhance both macronutrients’ and micronutrients’ intake.
As fruits are the richest sources of vital minerals and vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, plant hormones, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, they enhance your immunity and inhibit the growth of the viruses that cause fever blisters. You can prefer all dark-colored fruits.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.