Dandelion is often considered as a pesky weed found in lawns, meadows, garden etc. But, the fact is that it is an amazing herb that helps treat several health conditions. In French, dandelion is considered as “lion’s tooth” and is believed to exist since 30 million years. This amazing herb contains good amounts of calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, and other detoxifying compounds helpful in healing several illnesses. It also contains good doses of B vitamins, organic sodium, vitamin D, and other trace minerals as well. It offers a wide range of health benefits.
Below Is The List Of The Top 15 Benefits Of Dandelion For Skin Hair And Health:
Treats Liver Disorders
Dandelions contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and luteolin that help in maintaining healthy functioning of the liver and protect it from aging. The other compounds in them can prevent hemorrhage of the liver. Also, dandelion tea consumption can help in ensuring proper flow of the bile apart from stimulating the liver.
The dandelion sap which is also known as dandelion milk helps treat skin infections caused due to fungal and microbial infections. The sap contains alkaline properties that help treat several skin infections such as eczema, ringworm etc. However, you need to avoid any contact with your eyes when you are using dandelion sap.
Dandelions contain good amounts of iron, a nutrient responsible for healthy hair. Also, vitamin A, C, B vitamins etc. biotin, and other nutrients help in rejuvenating hair growth.
Dandelions have mild laxative properties and act as a good tonic. It helps suppress appetite as well. It contains healthy amounts of dietary fiber and helps promote digestion.
Treats Urinary Disorders
Dandelions contain diuretic properties that help flush off the toxins from the kidneys as well as the urinary tract. Also, dandelions contain disinfectants that help in inhibiting the growth of microbes in the urinary tract.
Healthy Bones
Dandelions contain healthy doses of calcium essential for the bone health. Also, the antioxidants vitamin C as well as luteolin can help protect bones from the harmful radicals that damage the bones. They help prevent age-related bone damage. Also, these antioxidants in dandelion help combat the free radical damage responsible for the bone frailty, reduced bone density etc.
Weight Loss
Our urine contains nearly 4% fat and the more we urinate, the more fats are lost from our body. Dandelions are diuretic in nature which helps promote urination, thus reducing water weight in the body. They are low in calories and are sometimes used as natural sweeteners.
Treats Gallbladder Problems
Dandelions are essential for a healthy gallbladder and liver as they help enhance their general functioning. They also protect from the free radical damage and infections and helps regulate secretions from other organs.
Dandelion juice is considered effective for diabetics because it helps in stimulating the insulin production from the pancreas, thus lowering the blood sugar levels. Being diuretic in nature, they help in flushing out excess sugars in the form of urine. Diabetics are prone to renal problems and dandelions can help remove the deposition of the sugar on the kidneys by promoting urination.
Treats Acne
Dandelion juice helps detoxify your body, acts as a diuretic and stimulant, and contain antioxidant properties. Hence, it is considered as a perfect solution in treating acne problems. When applied topically, dandelion sap can help in inhibiting the growth of microbes responsible for the acne. Also, vitamin C in it helps in promoting faster healing of the acne scars.
Protects From Cancer
Dandelions are rich in antioxidants such as luteolin and vitamin C that help combat the free radical damage, thus lowering the risks of developing cancer. Dandelion can help in detoxifying the body, thus protecting it from the development of cancer and tumors. Also, luteolin acts as a poison for the cancer-causing cells and doesn’t allow them to reproduce.
Urination is one such easy way to control your blood pressure. Dandelion juice is diuretic in nature and helps promote urination, thus lowering the levels of the blood pressure. Also, the fiber in it helps lower cholesterol which is one of the contributing factors for hypertension.
Treats Jaundice
Jaundice is a kind of disorder in the liver which is caused due to the overproduction of the bile, which might further wreak havoc on the metabolism of the body. Dandelions help in controlling the production of the bile and the antioxidants in it help combat viral infections responsible for jaundice.
Treats Anemia
Dandelions contain high amounts of vitamins, iron, and proteins. A diet rich in iron helps treat anemia and dandelion tea or juice provides your body with iron, vitamin B for the production of RBC, thus treating anemia and other iron deficiency disorders.
Relieves Constipation
Dandelions contain high amounts of dietary fiber which helps in easing bowel movements, thus relieving constipation. It has mild laxative properties that help keep you regular. It even helps treat gastrointestinal issues.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.