Colic is a kind of abdominal pain that babies experience, especially newborns and this term is known as abdominal colic. In adults, it leads to a condition called Biliary colic that is known as abdominal colic and occurs due to blockage in the biliary system. In this condition, adults to experience a lot of pain in the upper abdomen.
Here Are Some Home Remedies For The Same-
Lie On Your Stomach
One of the best ways to relieve the symptoms of colic would be putting yourself on the stomach. This helps in relieving the gases and gets rid of the colic pain in the abdominal region.
Stomach/ Abdominal Massage
Take a few drops of any essential oil and massage the stomach well. Doing this massage helps in improving circulation for the baby and aids in bringing respite from abdominal colic pain.
Caraway Water
This home remedy should be used as a preventive measure. It has a strong taste and hence should be given in limited amounts. Take 2 spoonful of caraway seeds and boil them in a cup of water. Once cool, strain the same. Give one small spoon of the same in the morning and one in the evening. This helps in releasing gases that are a source of abdominal colic.
Take a pinch of asafetida powder and 2-3 drops of water. Mix up well and gently heat on the gas. While it is warm, but not hot, apply it on the naval. Doing so helps in providing relief from abdominal colic pain and helps you to get better sleep. You can also try chewing on the caraway seeds to relieve the symptoms of pain.
Move Around After Meals
Make your do some gentle hand and leg movements about 20-30 minutes after your meals. This includes using your own hands to gently raise the legs, putting both hands together, etc. This helps in getting some movement, which is essential to prevent the next colic attack from happening. Also, you can do light walking or even a small stroll.
Warm Water Bath
You can try giving yourself a warm water bath when they are feeling abdominal colic pain. The warm water is known to soothe the pain and also helps to get some movement as they play in the water. Doing so will help sleep better in the night too.
Chamomile Oil
Just use natural and organic chamomile oil and mix a few drops with your regular massage oil. Massage using this oil because it helps in providing relaxation and also eases the abdominal pain because of colic. Do at least twice a day, especially before going to sleep.
One of the best remedies for getting over the problem of abdominal colic or Biliary colic. Remember that you should have the juice of the ginger in the freshest form as it is known to produce digestive juices that in turn help with the problem of colic. So have ginger churned with your favorite juice, salads or simply mixed with some lime and rock salt.
Salty Lemonade
This one is a savior for all those people who are suffering from this chronic pain. For making this, you need to mix together 2 spoons of lime juice, 1 spoon of rock salt and a pinch of black pepper. Then mix together all of these ingredients well and then drink twice a day. This way you are able to stay hydrated and the acidity of lemons, combines with salt and pepper to aid digestion and reduce colic pain.
Beetroot And Radish Juice
This juice contains enzymes that is known for alleviating the symptoms of abdominal colic in adults. You have to mix together, fresh and raw beetroot with radish. To this add a chunk of ginger and a pinch of salt to enhance taste and aid digestion process. Drinking this at least once a day to cleanse the stomach.
Being high on the vitamin content, grapefruit is also rich in fibres. Munching on a cup of grapefruit every day is highly suggested to reduce the symptoms of Biliary colic. In most cases, it also prevents the constant pain that could lead to stones in the stomach.
On days when you are experiencing acute abdominal colic pain you should try to survive on a diet of apples. These apples are known for flushing out toxins and chemicals from the gall bladder, which is the primary cause of this Biliary colic. Remember to have only apples, either red or green but not any other food. This can be repeated as needed.
Have More Of Probiotics And Eliminate Milk
Get rid of milk from the diet till you are able to completely overcome the problem of colic. Instead, opt for yogurt or probiotics that heal the symptoms of abdominal colic and provide you with relief. It also prevents the recurrence of the same.
Carom Seeds
Boil 5-6 spoons of carom seeds in 1 litre of water and keep sipping all through the day. This water flushes out toxins and is great for relieving stomach pain.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.