Cold and flu are common diseases which are the result of the weakness of our immune system. Any food that boosts up our immune system is helpful in getting rid of flu and feel better. The problem lies in the fact that most of us while suffering from flu don’t like eating foods like eggs, fish, etc that are good for our immune system. If this is the case with you also let us have a look at some of the food that you may like which will help you get rid of the flu.
1. Citrus Fruits:
Foods that are rich in Vitamin C are a good intake for your immune system. It not only boosts up the immune system but also keeps your body hydrated. So, you can have fruits that are rich in Vitamin C like orange or grapefruit. One way of taking these fruits are in the solid state but if you are not comfortable with it then try drinking the juice of these fruits.
2. Chicken Soup:
Flu is generally caused due to some infections. Chicken soup is one such food that helps you fight infections by providing you the necessary fluids to your body. You can directly have chicken soup or you can add some vegetables to your soup. Adding vegetables to the soup helps you get rid of congestion, swelling of the throat, and also many other symptoms that are caused due to infection.
3. Ginger Root:
Ginger is normally used to spice up our food and is generally considered as a herb. The advantages of having this little root in your food can have a drastic effect on the flu you are suffering from. Having fresh ginger in your food reduces nausea and also helps in fighting any stomach upset. You can have ginger by adding some slices to the soup or you can have them it with your tea.
4. Hot Tea:
Hot tea is another item which you can try if you don’t like to have any food while suffering from the flu. You can add a little bit of honey for a more effective cure. Hot tea helps you in keeping your body hydrated and also freshens up your mood. You can also add some peppermint for fighting congestion or getting rid of a sore throat.
5. Honey:
Honey is well-known for its medicinal properties since the ancient days. Most of us like the sweet taste and flavour honey brings to our table. Honey not only have anti-inflammatory properties but also is rich in antioxidants that help in cleaning toxins from our body. Its antibacterial properties help the body to fight from a cough and also helps in getting rid of any stomach upset. You need to make sure that the quality of the honey should be pure for having a better effect on your body. Try to avoid any type of artificial honey.
6. Yogurt:
Yogurt is another item that most of the people like to have. Yogurt not only brings a different taste to the table but also is quite a rich source of proteins, minerals and also different types of Vitamins. It also poses and anti-viral properties that help our body to fight off various viral infection. One good thing about Yogurt is that it also helps in healing of our body. Remember to have natural and high-quality yogurt for a better result. If you don’t like to have yogurt directly then instead of sugar, you can add some honey to it for taste.
7. Dark Chocolate:
Yummy! Isn’t it? Chocolate is such a thing that everyone loves whether be a child or a young person or even an aged person. It is good to taste. But did you know that cocoa which is a component used in chocolates has some antioxidant property that is helpful for our body? Another important thing which cocoa possesses id theobromine which is quite handy in reducing cough. You can have one dark chocolate in your daily routine but make sure to have an organic product with the cocoa content of more than 70%.
8. Bananas:
Bananas whether ripe or raw are quite capable of helping your body in many ways. These are a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 which raises the level of the immune system. Banana also has a number of minerals that helps the body fight diarrhea which is a common symptom of the flu.
9. Rice:
Plain white rice is a rich source of Vitamins, minerals and contains a lot of calories. It is quite easy for the stomach to have. Rice is a perfect food for the body to get back to its normal stage and in a faster manner.
10. Toast:
Dry toast just like rice is quite rich in vitamins and minerals that help our body feel better. It goes quite easy on the stomach also. So, try to add it to your food list when suffering from the flu.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.