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62 Articles0 Comments

5 Treatments For Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is a common problem for all age groups, and women are especially more sensitive towards this problem. The reasons for hair loss are many, right from the food habits, hair maintenance, and us…

5 Treatments For Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gingivitis. When the bacteria causes infection in the gum, resulting in tendering of gums and bleeding, then that condition is termed as gingivitis. This may…

5 Treatments For Thrush

Thrush is the development of yellowish or white layer in the tongue, which gives a fuzzy feel. This is developed due to the fungus that lives in the mouth. This fungus is generally harmless and lives …

5 Treatments For Elbow Pain

Elbow is the most used part of the body. If there is some problem with your elbow, then you will be restricted from carrying out a number of your regular activities. As this is the most used, it is of…

5 Remedies For Birth Control

Birth control is a way of preventing or reducing unwanted pregnancy. You can use birth control methods to avoid abortions. Teenagers who get pregnant give birth to babies of very low body weight and i…

5 Remedies For Bladder Infection

Bladder infection is caused by the growth of bacteria inside the bladder and it is a very common type of infection. More than men women get this bladder infection. Due to this bladder infection, irrit…

5 Herbs For Angular Cheilitis

Angular cheilitis is the inflammation of the corners of the mouth. Angular cheilitis can take place at one or both the corners of the mouth. It is caused by a bacteria or fungus or by both.…

5 Remedies For Bee Stings

A person who gets affected by bee stings can suffer from a pain that might be temporary and also have some allergic reactions in the body. Bee sting causes swelling and reddening of the affected area …

5 Herbs For Sinus Headache

A headache accompanied by swelling and inflammation of the membranes lining the sinuses is known as sinus headache. A sinus headache can be due to congestion, or a viral infection such as cold, fever …

5 Herbs For Balding

Balding refers to the loss of hair on the scalp and it is the most common problem that people are facing nowadays. Not only old people, but young ones are also getting affected by balding. There can b…

5 Herbs For Nightfall

When ejaculation takes place at night, then it is known as nightfall. Memories or dreams can lead to nightfall. Males who indulge in self-stimulation are affected by nightfall frequently. Some medicat…

Top 5 Herbs For Blepharitis

Blepharitis is the swelling and reddening of the eyelids. Blepharitis is caused by a bacteria and dandruff in the scalp or due to abnormal functioning of a gland in the eyelids. It can take place in a…

5 Herbs For Appetite

An appetite is defined as a desire to eat. You can have a poor appetite or loss of appetite. Poor appetite can be due to chronic diseases and side effects of some medications. Pain in the abdomen, ind…

5 Herbs For Birth Control

A method to prevent or reduce unwanted pregnancy is known as birth control. Unplanned pregnancies which lead to very unsafe abortions can be easily avoided by birth control. Teenage pregnancies which …

5 Herbs For Arteriosclerosis

Sometimes the arteries become thick and hard due to the deposition of too much plaque around the walls of the artery. Such a condition is known as arteriosclerosis. A high blood pressure, increase in …

5 Herbs For Angina Pain

A heart condition which is accompanied by pain in the chest and discomfort is known as angina pain. Coronary artery disease is the main cause of angina pain. Other than this anxiety and depression can…

5 Herbs For Anorexia

An eating disorder as well as loss of appetite is known as anorexia. Women mostly get affected by anorexia. Emotional, social and physical stress causes anorexia. Genetics is one of the main reasons b…

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