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6 Treatments For Burnt Skin

Burns generally occur on the external parts (skin) of our body. The burn causes irritation and frequent itching in normal cases. There are different types of burns such as first degree, second degree,…

6 Treatments For Sterility

Sterility or infertility is a growing concern in today’s world. It refers to the inability to produce a child after repeated attempts. It can affect both the genders. A number of factors are hel…

5 Remedies For Split Ends

If you are a woman, split ends are probably your worst enemies. Split ends can spoil the framework of your hair, make them a way to thin, increase hair fall and take the softness and shine out of your…

5 Herbs For Fingernail Fungus

Nails have been one of the most prized possessions of a lady, and with growing times, even men have been known to take care of theirs. A well trimmed and healthy set of nails does not fail to impress …

6 Treatments For Lice

Lice are nothing but the insects without wings, which are a common occurrence and can be easily transmitted. They are a class of parasites, which spend their entire lifespan feeding on the human scalp…

5 Cures For Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina. This discharge is generally thick and viscous with a foul odor and may increase with vaginal infection or…

5 Natural Cures For Lethargy

Lethargy is a condition of the body and the mind in which the affected person experiences acute fatigue and lack of energy. The main symptoms of lethargy include inability to work and play, tiredness …

5 Best Herbs For Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is a condition of abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is the main source of energy within the body. Low level of blood sugar or Hypoglycemia is not a disease but a sign…

5 Treatments For Dust Allergy

Dust allergy is mainly caused by dust mites (also called as bed mites). They belong to arachnids family of eight legged creatures. High level of exposure to dust mite is the important factor in trigge…

7 Herbs For Ear Congestion

Obstructions or blockage of the ear canal, leads to a feeling of fullness, pain and numbness. Tingling sensation and temporary loss of hearing are also associated with congestion. As the nerve supply …

6 Herbs For Nail Infection

Nail infections are commonly caused by fungus and occur mostly in environments favoring their growth. Moisture, dampness, low immunity, poor hygiene, synthetic socks, hormonal imbalance, and frequent …

6 Herbs For Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis, once known as a kissing disease is caused due to the attack of the Ebstein Barr virus. The virus spreads through the saliva, hence gets its name, kissing disease. The virus most commonl…

7 Herbs For Wisdom Tooth

  Eruption of any of the four third molar teeth is known as wisdom tooth. It commonly erupts in young adulthood between 17 to 25 years. They usually affect the neighboring teeth to make space for…

5 Herbs For Eye Infection

A normal eye gets infected due to many reasons like external dust particles, excess cold, and sometime due to poor nutrition. If it is not treated early, then later it can lead to a major problem, and…

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