* tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which * generally use this hook to add elements to such * as styles, scripts, and meta tags. */ wp_head(); ?>
5 Treatments For Loose Motion

Loose motion is a worst condition that makes a person too weak in just 1 day. People who suffer from this condition will get headache and dizziness as well; also, if people who are weak such as old ag…

7 Natural Cures For Loose Motion

Loose motions commonly known as diarrohea happens to children very often and it leads to a very unpleasant and an uncomfortable situation. They are loose stools which are watery in nature and too much…

5 Remedies For Loose Motion

Loose motion, or chronic diarrhea, is frequent passing of watery stools along with mild to severe abdominal cramping. There can be various reasons for loose motions including eating spicy and oily foo…