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6 DIY Remedies For Enlarged Heart

The enlarged heart is characterized as an underlying health disorder and it is medically termed as cardiomegaly. It is not an acute heart related disease and doctors usually perform different tests to…

Herbs For Enlarged Heart

Cardiomegaly is another name for an enlarged heart, and rather than a disease, it signals an underlying disease process. It may occur due to arrhythmias, high blood pressure and pulmonary hypertension…

5 Treatments For Enlarged Heart

A healthy heart can solve much of the health problem. Hence proper care must be taken for the heart. There are lots of heart problems arising in the present time. Enlarged heart is one kind of heart p…

5 Remedies For Enlarged Heart

Enlarged heart or Cardiomegaly is where the heart enlarges in response to the damage to heart muscle. The heart will pump blood even in its enlarged conditions, but beyond a limit, the enlarged heart …

Top 10 Natural Cures For Enlarged Heart

Enlarged heart is a condition of abnormal size of the heart. In enlarged heart, as the name specifies, the size of the heart becomes larger than a normal heart. Actually, muscular walls of the heart g…