In India, one of the most common infections happening in men and women is Urinary infection .It is primarily infection caused by bacteria in the urinary bladder, which multiplies and spreads in the urine. Though this is commonly recurrent in women, men are also affected by it .It is imperative to treat it .
Immediately as it has chances of affecting the kidney and causing potential damage. The most obvious signs of Urine infection is, change in its colour, frequent need to urinate, pregnancy, burning sensation while passing urine, fever, nausea, lethargy, sometimes diarrhoea testicular pain, however there are many other symptoms which can be misleading Herbal remedies are an effective mode of treatment for this infection in men. The most common herbs for treating urine infection are as follows.
Top Herbal Remedies For Urine Infection In Men
Tea Tree Oil
This is a very popular herb which is completely antiseptic and anti-bacterial in nature and is therefore adept in combating bacteria that causes the urine infections. Tea tree oil drops can be mixed in bath water and the urethra opening can be washed as well such that the bacteria are eliminated externally.
It is not edible so it can be used in the form of applications it can be mixed with equal proportion of sandalwood oil and juniper oil and can be applied in around the bladder area. It provides immense relief in the itching and burning sensations and also relieves the patient from pain that is caused by this infection. This supplication should be done regularly till the person gets relief.
Uva Ursi
Uva ursi contains a lot of chemicals that fights urine infections as it is loaded with anti-septic properties that are useful in clearing infections including those formed in the urinary tract as well. Ideally this herb is available in the form of supplements in all general drugstores.
The intake of this supplement ensures the free flow of urine, elimination of the burning sensation while urinating, as its antiseptic nature gets rid of the bacteria present in the urine When this supplement is taken, the antiseptic quality of this herb kills the bacteria and also gently stimulates urination. However men suffering from diabetes or other acute liver ailments should refrain from using it.
A well-known herb that is instrumental in fending urinary infections is not as potent as the other herbs such as ova ursi tea tree oil etc. It is found in capsules as well as powdered form.
Horsetail is a perennial herb that t has myriad uses .One of the main feature of this herb is that it is diuretic in nature and therefore an excellent remedy for not just curing urine infections but urinary problems of all sorts . As it is astringent in nature it is very soothing when applied externally as well.
Buchu is an uncommon herb that is essentially diuretic in nature and also consists of antiseptic is very effective for the urinary system as they help in eliminating infections and providing immunity.
This herb is also perennial like horsetail and is also very effective in in the prevention of urine infections .This one acts as a natural antibiotic, as well.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.