Freckles are brown spots on the skin that are usually round and flat in appearance and vary in size from person to person. Prolonged exposure to the sunlight, heredity, hormonal imbalance and aging are some of the common factors that cause formation of freckles and brown spots on the skin.
Freckles mostly appear on that skin area which is exposed to the sunlight for a long time such as face and hands. Freckles are harmless for health but demolish beauty quotient and make one feel shy and less appealing due to presence of dark spots on the skin.
There are various options available for removal of freckles in the market like laser treatments, creams and many more. But they are too expensive and provide temporary relief. On the other hand, there are some natural products available at your own home that can help you keep freckles at bay.  Just try out these effective home remedies to get rid of freckles and brown spots.
Best Home Remedies For Freckles
Buttermilk is one of the most effective home remedies for freckles as it contains lactic acid, bleaching and moisturizing properties that help in removal of freckles. It provides moisture to the skin and lightens the color of skin significantly. Apply some buttermilk on the affected area and leave for at least 15 minutes. Then wash your skin with lukewarm water.
You can also add some oatmeal to buttermilk to prepare a smooth paste. Apply this paste over the freckles and leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water thoroughly. Repeat it daily on regular basis until you get proper benefits.
Red Onion
Being rich in vitamin C and anti-oxidants, onion is another effective home remedy that can surely help you get rid of freckles. It reduces dark brown spots lightening them to the great extent as well as exfoliates skin that also makes dark spots less visible. Just pick one red onion and cut it into thick slices. Simply rub these onion slices over the freckles for few minutes and leave to dry.
Then wash it off with plain water. Repeat it regularly until you notice positive changes. Second option is onion juice that can treat freckles well. Extract fresh onion juice and mix little vinegar in it and then apply on the freckles with the help of cotton swab. Leave for half an hour and then wash it off with cold water completely. Repeat it twice a day for fast recovery. It will fade away freckles quickly.
Fresh Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, citric acid and natural bleaching properties that are helpful in treating freckles. It lightens freckles and brown spots bleaching them effectively and makes them fade away properly. Apply fresh lemon juice on all over the affected area with your fingertips and massage gently in circular motions for 15 minutes. Then wash your skin with lukewarm water thoroughly. Repeat it every day for better results.
Sour Cream
Sour cream contains lactic acid that provides aid in removal of freckles and unwanted brown spots. It reduces freckles and makes skin spotless if used regularly. Apply some sour cream over the freckles and leave it to dry for 10- 15 minutes. Then wash your skin with lukewarm water and pat dry. Repeat it once or twice a day on regular basis until you get rid of freckles.
Honey is perfect way to treat freckles as it possesses natural moisturizing and mild bleaching properties. It is often used in curing freckles, dark spots and blemishes. It decreases excess melanin production as well as reduces pigmentation and lightens brown spots eventually.
Take some honey and mix little lemon juice in it to make a fine paste. Apply it on all over the affected area evenly and leave for 30 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat it every day to fade away freckles safely. It not only treats freckles but also moisturizes your skin deeply and keeps it soft and smooth.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is well known for its therapeutic uses and works well for skin disorders, cuts and sunburns. It has been used as effective home remedy for freckles from ages. It equalizes skin pigmentation and helps in removal of freckles safely. Apply castor oil on all over the affected area before going to the bed.
Leave it on for overnight and wipe it off with soft tissue next morning. Then wash your skin with lukewarm water and pat dry. Do repeat it regularly until your freckles fade away completely.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.