Ear pain and ear infections mostly get better if you follow proper precautions and treatment approach. If your pain and infection is mild it goes on its own, but persistent pain and discomfort may prolong for a few days. Prolong discomfort, irritation, and pain cause a lot of trouble and predispose you to further infections and pain.
Such scenarios prompt you to resort to the use of eardrops, antihistamines, decongestants, expectorants, etc. all such things may aggravate your condition due to lack of medical supervision. Therefore, in such cases you should follow proper home remedial approach by adopting some safe, proven, natural and effective home remedies like the following ones:
5 Home Remedies For Ear Pain
Warm Or Cold Compress
Application of heat to the ear with a warm cloth or warm compress before going to bed relieves pain. Similarly you can also use cold compress alternatively. You can use both such compresses for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily up to two to three times.However, care should be followed to see that the heating pad or the compress is not too hot to cause any burning sensation.
Pain Relievers
Over-the-Counter pain relievers like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, acetaminophen and paracetamol can be used to relieve pain instantly if it is very severe in nature. Pain relievers work better if you give them before bed time.
However, Aspirin should not be given to children younger than 20 because it may cause severe complications and illness such as Reye syndrome.
Garlic Juice
Extract fresh garlic juice into a clean and sterile bottle with a dropper. Once you get sufficient quantity of juice, close the bottle with the dropper and gradually put a few drops of the extract into the infected or aching ear.Lay down for a while in the same position to allow the juice to penetrate deep into the ear. Garlic juice with its active antimicrobial agent allicin helps prevent the infection and thus diminishes the pain.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is natural with numerous health supporting and pain relieving properties. It is commonly used as a natural home remedy for ear infection.
If swollen eardrum is the cause for your ear pain, then warm olive oil slightly above your body and room temperature and pour it into the ear that is aching. Slightly pull and press the earlobe to allow the oil drip down deep into the ear canal.
Apple Cider Vinegar With Garlic
Apple cider vinegar and garlic extract is an excellent formula for treating ear pain and ear infections. Take a few garlic cloves and peel and then crush to make paste. Add about 50 ml of pure, organic apple cider vinegar to this paste and boil gently at low temperatures for about 30 minutes. Allow this mixture to cool at room temperature.Next, rest your head on a pillow by positioning the painful ear upwards, and then pour a few drops of the mixture into the ear with a cotton swab or dropper and stay in the same position for up to fifteen minutes to allow the mixture work. You can confidently use apple cider vinegar and garlic mixture up to several days for better and healthy outcomes. You can keep excess mixture in the refrigerator as a stock for future use.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.