A state of uneasiness is very common in an individual and it is a very sensitive state which is faced by an individual. It is faced around 75% times and the solution to it every time is not found out.
When an individual undergoes stress, prepares for an interview or an exam etc. normally becomes nervous. It affects an individual physically as well psychologically. Tummy attacks, fear, vomiting etc. are the symptoms of anxiety.
Therapies and medicines can turn out to be really expensive, so cures which are done naturally are very rapid and effective. They are as follows for your benefit: –
Effective Natural Cures For Anxiety Attacks
Relaxation and Thoughtfulness
A relaxation from stress really helps in overcoming anxiety. A relaxation room should be without any interruptions, noise etc and should be calm and silent. A meditation each day for thirty minutes can help overcoming anxiety.
Curbing or Elimination of Harmful products
Reduced intake or prohibition of alcohol, fried and spicy stuff, sugary and jaggery eatables, drinks with caffeine etc helps in curing anxiety. Instead a sip of tea either made with lemon, passion flower etc. is preferred.
A Breath In and Out
Yoga or any other sort of breathing can help an individual calm and relaxed. These exercises are all mentally based and it is the brain’s direction to the body. Inhaling and exhaling and the cycle should be repeated.
A Record
When an individual undergoes anxiety he or she should note down everything on a notepad or on a laptop or a tab since noting down helps us forgetting the bad aspects which indeed affected an individual.
A complete Sleep
A proper sleep is very important for an individual and to get rid of negative thoughts and to feel relaxed a sleep for a span of eight to nine hours is very important.
Steaming Bath
A bath with warm or hot water can help a person overcome anxiety since water helps in provision of a proper relaxation and soothing to a person’s mind and can help a person forget the negativities around. A person whose hit physically as well psychologically should take a long warm bath.
An intake of Vitamins
Magnesium is very helpful in curing anxiety and having a proper multi-vitamin diet helps in long term curing. The intake of proper vitamins like vitamin B etc help in proper working of a nervous system.
A sip of extra Water
Lack of water in the body may cause anxiety so a proper drinking of approx five liters of water in a day helps in prevention of anxiety to an extent.
Clean Environment
A walk in a park in a clean environment and inhaling of fresh air helps a lot. Spending some time with yourself helps learning and knowing about yourself and to an extent relaxes a person’s mind.
A drink of hot or warm milk at any time each day is a great stress reliever and for the enhancement of the working of brains the acid present in the milk is very helpful.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.