Loose motions catch hold of all of us at some or the other time, though a few are more prone than the others. Loose motions generally go away on their own, but if one gets more than a couple of watery stools  in a span of an hour or two, immediate attention is needed.
They cause dehydration of the body and rob it of essential minerals and salts. If  left unchecked, they can lead to serious problems, especially in case of children.
Effective Home Remedies for Loose motions
Drink Fluids
A lot of water gets lost in loose motions which needs to be replenished quickly. If it is not done, the result can be dehydration which can take dangerous dimensions, especially if it is an infant or child. Drink a lot of fluid to prevent dehydration.
You can take fruit juices, fresh lime water and clear soups. You will be making a mistake if you thought fizzy carbonated drinks, alcohols, beer and caffeinated drinks can hydrate your body. In fact, they do the contrary and dehydrate the body further by promoting urination.
Mint is a great remedy for many types of stomach ailments. Take a teaspoon of fresh juice of mint leaves and add to it a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. Put the resultant mix in a glass of water. Drink a glass of this minty drink thrice a day.
Yogurt and Butter milk
Both these are well within your reach and they contain active helpful bacteria. To your butter milk or yogurt, you can add a pinch of roasted/ground cumin powder and some rock salt. Take it twice a day.
Barley Water
This is a folk remedy which is popular even now. Barley water will restore the upset electrolytes and control the dehydration. Loose motions not only cause discomfort but also act as triggers for deeper problems within the body. Barley water looks after the electrolytes imbalance as well as hydrates the body.
Bilberry leaves and fruits contain tannins which may be helpful for troubled intestines. The pectin found in bilberry soothes the digestive system. You can get it in health stores. Make tea of bilberry leaves and fruits and drink a cup twice a day.
Chamomile Tea
If your intestines have mild inflammation, then chamomile tea is your answer. It is a gentle tea and can safely be given to children as well. There is another way of using chamomile tea, you can use it for fomentation of  your little one.
For this, you soak a small hand towel in warm chamomile infusion and put it as a compress on your child’s stomach. Replace this towel with another one after five minutes. The fomentation will help in soothing the accompanying cramps. Alternatively, you can take a teaspoon of chamomile tea and one of peppermint leaves. Brew yourself a glass of tea and take this healing infusion 2 or 3 times a day.
Psyllium HuskÂ
Psyllium husk should be the first remedy that should cross your mind when you have to treat loose motions. Psyllium husk contains fiber which has the property of swelling by absorbing water  from your intestines.
Thus the runny stools no longer make you run to the commode. The recommended dose for adults per day is twenty to thirty grams, which would be 5-6 heaped teaspoons. Its better to avoid giving psyllium to little children.
Electrolyte Solution
This solution can be made at home using items from your kitchen. To treat the symptoms of dehydration, take a glass of boiled and cooled water. Put in it half a teaspoon of baking soda, one of corn syrup and a cup of orange juice or a table spoon of lemon juice.
Mix this solution well, it helps in replenishing the lost electrolytes and water. Take 5-6 such glasses through the day. In case of children, keep giving this water a little at a time throughout the day.
Loose motions often occur due to indigestion. Whether you use fresh ginger or dry ginger, both are equally helpful. The grandma’s recipe is to use half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder either with a pinch of rock salt, or a salt piece of jaggery. Eat this mixture with a glass of water. Ginger aids in digestion and is also a carminative.
Baking Soda
The pH balance of the body goes for a toss when you are afflicted with loose motions. Baking soda restores the pH. balance of the body. You can take half a t spoon of baking soda and a pinch of pepper powder with water.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.