Indigestion is the disorder of the intestinal tract. The upper abdomen faces a burning sensation due to indigestion. The common symptoms of indigestion are bloating, belching, nausea, pain in the stomach and diarrhea.
The main reason behind indigestion is eating food in larger quantity and that too quickly. The normal treatment of indigestion includes taking antacids and some medicines that helps to avoid the formation of acid in the stomach and the food quickly goes to the smaller intestine.
Herbal remedies help to cure the problem of indigestion. In some cases the problem of indigestion is very serious. If you are suffering from vomiting, pain while swallowing food, blood in the stool and loss of weight then you should seek medical advice. The following herbs help to get rid of the indigestion problems:
9 Herbal Remedies For Indigestion
Artichoke Leaf Extract
Artichoke herb is very useful for indigestion. The extract of artichoke leaf should be taken to get rid of irregular bowel syndrome and other symptoms of indigestion.The flow of bile increases with the consumption of artichoke leaf and the fats get easily digested.
Peppermint And Caraway
The peppermint and caraway oil are used for the treatment of indigestion. The combination of both the oils helps to relax the muscles of the stomach and the food passes quickly from the stomach which reduces the formation of acid in the stomach. The peppermint tea is also very good for the digestion.
The herb alfafa is available in the form of tablets at drug store. The alfafa helps to aid digestion.
Anise Seeds
Anise seeds help to clear the mucus from the air passages, fights the bacteria that creates infection and helps in the digestion of food properly. The seeds of the anise and its oil are used for the treatment of indigestion. You can eat the raw seeds by making a powder of it or its oil can be used.
Catnip is a good source of Vitamin A, C and B-complex. It also contains magnesium, mangenese, phosphorus; sodium and small amount of sulphur.
These components are good for digestion. The catnip is available in the form of liquid extract and capsules. The liquid extract can be taken directly or in the form of tea.
The parsley leaves are very refreshing and helps to improve the digestion process. The parsley leaves can be dried and taken. Some sprigs of parsley leaves can be swallowed with the help of water. It solves the problem of bile also.
The stick of celery can be eaten to get rid of the symptoms of the indigestion. The celery should be taken in the initial phase of indigestion.
Peel off the outer layer of the grapefruit. Keep the inner fruit on a tissue so that it can dry. When it gets dried put them into a sealed container and have it whenever you face stomachache. The dried grapefruit should be sucked and then chewed.
The herb goldenseal has very good anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which help to prevent the chances of indigestion. This herb is very good to fight with the symptoms of indigestion like heartburn, acid reflex, inflammation in the stomach etc.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.