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169 Articles0 Comments

5 Remedies For Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is an infection in the intestine. A person suffering from gastroenteritis deals with diarrhea cramps in the abdominal area, frequent vomiting, nausea and also fever. Tre…

5 Herbal Remedies For Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disorder in the uterus in the tissues that lines the inner area of the uterus. The painful disorder grows on the outer areas of the uterus involving the ovaries, bowels and the tiss…

5 Remedies For Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a skin infection which occurs due to the build up of yeast on the skin. It is a skin condition which can be treated and is generally harmless. But in some cases, the yeast build up…

5 Remedies For Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a disease which is spread by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito when it bites humans and infects them. It is a viral fever which mostly affects people of the tropical regions as the Aedes Aegy…

5 Herbal Remedies For Brain Hemorrhage

A brain hemorrhage is scientifically popular as intra-cerebral hemorrhage which suggests discharge of blood all in the human brain due to damage or rupture of an artery in the brain. A brain hemorrhag…

5 Remedies For Aging Eyes

Aging eyes are not any kind of disease, but optical conditions that occur due to the effects of old age. With age, human vision begins to deteriorate due to nerves and muscles degenerations and lower …

5 Remedies For Fractures

We state broken or cracked bones as fractures. Fractures usually take place due to serious accidents or harm caused  to any bone in the human body. A person who suffers from bone fractures very easily…

Herbal Remedies For Loose Motion

Loose motion, technically diarrhea, is a problem every individual faces at least once a year. It is not a problem until it gets more frequent. Improper diet can cause an upset stomach which leads to b…

5 Remedies For Bladder Infection

Bladder infection is also known as urinary tract infection. It is usually transmitted after intercourse with a person who is suffering from the infection. The infection can grow to cause greater probl…

5 Remedies For Lethargy

One feels lethargic usually out of fatigue or sometimes as an aftereffect of some disease of health condition. Working more than your body can take and not getting enough sleep are the two most import…

5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Septicemia

Septicemia is a wide spread bacterial infection in the blood. Blood in any part of the body gets infected first and then the infection spreads throughout the body. Septicemia is not in itself lethal, …

5 Herbal Remedies For Strabismus

Strabismus is basically an eye disorder that fails the eye from aligning itself in a straight line. Also known as lazy eye, squint or heterotropia, it typically concerns a lack of coordination between…

5 Herbal Remedies For Pyorrhea

The most common name by which we know Pyorrhea is Periodontitis. This is a condition in which your gums are affected by bacterial infection and pus and blood comes out of it. The symptoms of this dise…

5 Remedies For Fibrocystic Breast

Most women are terrorised when, while inspecting their breasts they find a lump on it. All lumps do not mean that they have been stricken by cancer. This kind of benign mass can be an example of a fib…

Herbal Remedies For Anal Fissures

An anal fissure occurs when the lining of the lower rectum tears. This tear causes extreme pain when you want to go for bowel movements, but other than this, they do not cause anything more serious. A…

6 Remedies For Mastitis

Mastitis or inflammation of the tissues present in the breasts is associated with the formation of painful lumps on the nipples, redness and even fever. Mastitis is really painful and doctors usually …

5 Best Herbal Remedies For Pericarditis

The sac around your heart is known as the pericardium. When this sac swells or inflames, this disease is known as Pericarditis. Pericarditis can be formed suddenly or it can also be a long term affair…

5 Remedies For Trigger Finger

Medically known as Stenosing Tenosynovitis, Trigger Finger is a condition where tendons of your fingers become thick and your finger movement becomes restricted. This restriction in movement causes th…

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