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169 Articles0 Comments

5 Herbs For Kids Sore Throat

Mostly some kind of viral or bacterial infection results in sore throat whether in kids or adults. Sore throat can really be irritating and is associated with pain and sometimes even the glands can sw…

5 Herbal Remedies For Pericarditis

The human heart is covered by a two walled membrane called pericardium which contains a fluid called the pericardial fluid. This fluid keeps the heart safe from any kinds of shocks. When these two wal…

5 Herbal Remedies For Urticaria

Urticaria commonly known as hives is a skin disorder and is associated with the outbreak of welts which are red and itchy. There is no particular body part which is affected by hives. The welts may va…

Herbal Remedies For Pruritis

Pruritus is the medical term for itching and allergies, inflammation, or even physical irritation occurs as a symptom in this disease. Pruritis means irritation and itching of the skin or mucous membr…

5 Remedies For Progesterone

Many women suffer from low progesterone levels. Progesterone is a very essential female hormone that is secreted by the Adrenal Glands and controls the female menstrual cycle, foetal development and e…

5 Remedies For Red Nose

Red nose or Rosacea occurs when the blood vessels get enlarged. Other central parts of the face might also get affected as a result of this disease. If you are suffering from red nose, it is best to s…

Herbal Remedies For Paraesthesia

Paraesthesia, a nervous disorder is basically associated with some kind of abnormal feelings on the skin. The numbness can come and go but lead to serious troubles if not treated properly. Allopathic …

5 Herbal Remedies For Overindulgence

Overindulgence can be related to a lot of things like intake of excess food or excessive smoking and drinking. This psychological health condition can lead to various severe health problems if not tre…

5 Remedies For Breast Pain

Some women have extremely tender breasts and experience pain during their normal menstrual cycle. There can even be formation of lumps and these lumps can lead to bigger problems if not treated on tim…

Herbal Remedies For Fibrillation

Fibrillation is a condition when your heart rate is irregular causing poor flow of blood in the body. While the fibrillation occurs, the atria beat irregularly out of coordination with the ventricles …

5 Remedies For Hand Numbness

Hand numbness gives an abnormal sensation in your hands. Talking only about numbness, it can occur anywhere in the human body. However, it is mostly felt in the hands and legs. It is usually seen in t…

5 Remedies For Verruca

A verruca is nothing but a wart that occurs on the foot soles or sometimes around the toes. Initially a verruca looks like a dark, small, pierce mark but eventually it turns grey or brown in colour. T…

5 Remedies For Vaginitis

Vaginitis occurs when the vagina gets inflamed. The person can experience itchy and stinky discharge. Acute pain along with infection of the vagina and vulva also occurs. There are three specific type…

5 Remedies For Lockjaw

Lockjaw is also known as Tetanus and it is very serious disease. This disease of lockjaw can actually affect your nervous system and lead to a serious state of muscle contractions specially the muscle…

5 Remedies For Episcleritis

Episcleritis is a disease affecting a part of the episclera in the eye. The disease causes inflammation and is also regarded as conjunctivitis as the episclera lies between the conjunctiva and sclera.…

5 Remedies For Knee Swelling

Knee swelling can happen to people belonging to any age group. The knee joint is found swollen due to any injury on the knee externally or internally. The usual medical conditions in which knew swelli…

Herbal Remedies For Hyperacidity

Hyperacidity, also known as dyspepsia is often a condition that occurs after a heavy meal that leads to abnormal increase in abdominal pressure. When the stomach produces excess of hydrochloric acid, …

5 Remedies For Pulmonary Embolism

When an artery which is connected to the lungs is blocked, pulmonary embolism happens due to one or more blood clots. Though these clots are not fatal but they can become fatal if not treated on time.…

5 Remedies For Iritis

Iritis is also known as uveitis and it refers to inflammation in the iris of the eye. It usually occurs because of trauma to the eye or by infectious viruses. Iritis is classified into two categories;…

Herbal Remedies For Emphysema

Emphysema is a disease in which the air sacs in your lungs deteriorate and you go out of breath quite often. This disease makes your breathing shorter and difficult. The disease is categorized among t…

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