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Natural Treatments For Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is also referred to as ‘’Cataplexy’’ and ‘’Daytime sleep disorder’’. This problem is characterized by excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attacks. It is a chronic neurological s…

11 Treatments For Scars

A scar is a permanent patch of skin that grows over a wound. It can cause a lot of embarrassment. Cuts, burns, surgeries, lacerations, chicken pox, small pox, stretch marks and injuries may lead to th…

7 Natural Treatments For Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is also termed as “Gastroparesis Diabeticorum” and “Delayed gastric Emptying”. This medical condition is characterized by partial paralysis of the stomach and may occur as a result of da…

7 Natural Treatments For Adrenal Fatigue

The problem of adrenal fatigue is also referred to as “Hypoadrenia”. Stress is considered as one of the most common causes of this medical condition. Other factors that may aggravate the problem inclu…

7 Remedies For Bunions

The problem of bunions is also referred to as ‘’Hallux Valgus’’. It is caused by factors such as wearing narrow toed or high heeled shoes, growth of extra bone and fluid filled sacs at the base of the…

10 Treatments For Vitiligo

Vitiligo is also known as “Leucoderma’’. This medical condition is characterized by irregular white patches on the skin. It is caused by factors such as autoimmune diseases, destruction of pigme…

7 Treatments For Alopecia

The problem of alopecia is commonly referred to as “Hair Loss’’. There are various factors such as iron and vitamin deficiency, fungal infection, stress, hormonal imbalance, keratosis, frequent …

8 Treatments For Eczema on Face

Eczema on the face is a common skin condition. It is caused by factors such as allergic reaction, changes in temperature, stress and respiratory infection. Symptoms of this medical condition include d…

7 Home Remedies For Ganglion Cyst

The problem of ganglion cyst is also referred to as “Bible Cyst’’ and “Ganglia’’. It is characterized by the swelling of joints and tendons in the hand or foot. Trauma and herniation hypot…

8 Treatments For Dry Eyes

The problem of dry eyes is also known as “Dry Eye syndrome’’, “Xerophthalmia’’ and “Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca’’. Factors such as decreased tear production, excessive tear evaporatio…

9 Treatments For Acne Rosacea

The problem of acne rosacea is also known as “Adult Acne’’. It is a skin disease caused by factors such as bacterial overgrowth, heredity, intake of high blood pressure medicines, caffeine withd…

8 Remedies For Hirsutism

The problem of hirsutism is also referred to as “Excessive Hairiness’’. This medical condition is characterized by excessive hair growth in certain areas of the face and body. It is caused by fa…

7 Natural Remedies For Skin Tags

Skin tags are common and harmless. They can appear on any part of the body. However, skin tags are usually found around the neck area and groin or under the breasts. A skin tag is medically known as a…

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